That'd be awesome. Read more
That'd be awesome. Read more
I didn't use it either, but I did care about it because it operated illegally and I objected to that. Read more
I should add, that when it comes to smartphones I think Microsoft is onto something. They actually do first-party smartphone game development (I'm not sure Apple, RIM, or Google do), and they have a two-tiered offering: games good and big enough to get the "Xbox Live" monicker added to them by Microsoft's approval… Read more
You're right that few devices are true single-function devices. Even e-readers usually let you browse the web and check your email, in addition to displaying e-books. Hell, you can play games on my cable provider's set-top box. Read more
They aren't getting better? The ramp up in technology in smartphones has been breathtaking. I have an iPhone 2G and it's a paperweight only 4.5 years later (and Sony is presumably expecting the Vita to last in the market a lot longer than that, as the PSP did). Nokia just launched a supposedly entry-level Windows… Read more
Smartphones are getting outdated quickly *by other smartphones*. This will be a challenge for the Vita in the not-too-distant future, as they climb over themselves getting more popular and more capable. Read more
My point is that I believe we may have games like that, or better, partway through the Vita's lifespan (hence my reference to Sony's handhelds going 6+ years between iterations). It's going to have a rough time staying relevant as long as the PSP did, IMO. Read more
Smartphones and tablets keep getting better and better at gaming, and they do so constantly rather than making you wait 6 years or so between iterations. It's hard for me to see the appeal here in the short-term, let alone the long-term, for a single-function device. Read more
How did I never see this way back when? Read more
I see Tom Selleck has another show on, but I'm not sure if he's still considered the heart-throb he once was. The pendulum against body hair has swung a little further away from it being popular, after all. Read more
I'm very comfortable in my own skin, so I don't shave anything aside from my face (and not even all of that, leaving a chin-strap and goatee). So mostly I just shave my neck and my cheeks, leaving the rest. But I've got a lot of body hair, and the idea of shaving it all off seems kind of unnecessarily annoying. … Read more
I've been with women as much as 10 years younger than me though, so they're out there (I was 31, she was 21, at the time). You're right, though, the pendulum has swung the other way for the time being. Read more
How much influence Activision had is a matter of some debate. The developer indicated that Activision's only involvement with the port was that it was put through Activision's QA department. But the result was self-published by the indie developer, so.... Read more
In JetSet67's defence, this game is apparently not published by Activision after all, they allowed an indie developer access to the IP to do the remake and the indie developer self-published it. Read more
I'd recommend 'shopping him into an arcade cabinet Winners Don't Use Drugs screen! That's be hilarious. Read more
Don't know why, but I love ones that ironically reference previous 'shop contests. Read more
People consistently show that they care more about other parts of the experience than mere accuracy. At one time all the top-selling FPSs were on PC, controlled by keyboard and mouse; now, the top-selling FPSs are on the Xbox 360 and use a gamepad. For some of us, the ergonomics of flaking out on the couch in the… Read more
Given the game has tonnes of levels, and given its XBLIG incarnation costs only 400 Microsoft Points, I can deal if I don't ever complete the game. :) Read more
You took me too literally. I was not comparing Kim Dotcom to a drunk driver, I was comparing the inherent logic (or lack thereof) of your argument to the kind of argument a drunk driver might make in their defence. In both cases the underlying logic (or lack thereof) is that the authorities should be going after… Read more
Agreed, and another precedent for an XBLIG developer getting access to a major IP was Mommy's Best Games getting tasked with doing a Serious Sam game. But all the other examples I can think of were sequels, this is a remake/redux and that has the potential to be repeated more I think because rightsholders may have… Read more