Lee Yancy's discussions

Lee Yancy

I think EVE can be played casually. You do lose quite a bit of the bigger, “newsworthy” stuff playing casually, but there is still quite a lot to the game outside of that. On-demand, challenging PVE content, seasonal events, and periodic on-demand PVP arenas even.

The game is a lot more casual friendly now than it was Read more

The initial offerings are directly aimed at new players, per the CCP Devblog. Granting them the ability to fly Mining Ships, T1 Explorer Ships, and the ‘Magic 14' skills. Among a few other things.

More tenured players will likely buy skill injectors.  Read more

Have you considered trying EVE: Echoes? It’s there new entry into the mobile game space. It’s basically a fresh start on EVE, an identical universe with a slightly different look and feel. A parallel play opportunity basically. Read more

I think the AT is dead for good, I don’t see it ever coming back in the form it was in. However, I do see them iterating on this feature and morphing it into something that can be used to get close to the AT. Especially if they run it themselves, they’ll have a lot more control over it with a purpose built system Read more

As far as I know, none of my assets were lost to the update, and if they were it was stuff I wont miss. After 5 years stuff gets misplaced all over the galaxy.  I did take part in some of the destruction though.  Read more

It’s actually gotten several kills on players now, which is insane. 
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I understand what you’re saying and why you want it, but I think the reason that you don’t see that is that it would make for terrible gameplay. EVE is complicated and hard enough to add the idea of someone who you can’t even see erases your ship without you even knowing they are there. Read more

They removed Interdiction Nullifications from the interceptors that are getting buffed in this patch a few months ago, and basically no one has flown one of them since. They’re giving them some extra raw damage, but leaving interdiction off, to attempt to entice people into flying them again.  Read more

Massive time investment is fair, it’s an MMORPG, and it demands attention. There is a terribly steep learning curve as well. However, the playerbase is typically only unforgiving to itself. New players are often treated with great care and attention.  Read more

I’ve mentioned T20 several times in my articles in the past. It was a major event that shaped the community in a way that will never be undone, but it was 12 years ago.

CCP’s current Internal policies forbid them from acting in any way in the leadership of in game groups, or even revealing their current pilot’s names Read more

As an EVE player, I’m not sure I understand this. Are one of the coffees poisoned? Is it a distraction to steal the other persons car keys? Read more

I almost referenced this in the piece, but decided against it. It was on my mind though. Read more

Everyone disconnects for daily downtime, but it only takes about 15 minutes. If you log in immediately once the servers are back online, you show up right where you left off.  Read more

EVE is a PvP game at its heart. There are PvE mechanics, missions, and some
“end game” level PvE content, but they’re all there mostly to support the PvP aspect. There is no top level raid, or any Mythic + type competition, the only widely recognized accolades in the community are PvP related. That’s why you see more Read more