Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

That’s about the best response Epic could’ve delivered, honestly; and good on both them and Mr. Hillman for having a sense of humor about the whole thing!

When students are messing with their phones in my classes, I generally let them have at it unless they’re creating a distraction for others. When that happens, I’ll Read more

I’m thinking a severe reduction of range and *maybe* a fire-rate reduction. I don’t even like shotguns but it’s basically irresponsible to not have any shotgun in your loadout. SMGs and Pistols are basically vanity picks, and AR/Bursts theoretically outshine shotties except the key meta of the game is quick builds for Read more

You failed to mention that the building mechanic frequently nullifies mid-long range combat and causes the game to devolve into shotgun fests. Watch Ninja or any top streamer, one of his most frequent strategies is to build towards or above another player until he is close enough to use a shotgun. Read more

The problem is not the shotgun. The problem is the messy hitreg and the way bullets work in this game. They use hitscan. In other words, the impact of your shot is determined the moment you shoot. Sniper and hunting rifles and rockets are the exception. As soon as you shoot the game will randomly send bullets anywhere Read more

And yet my downfall is usually using a shotgun when I should be using something midrange. Read more

Played a game where I was hiding under some stairs in a house with another player directly above me, waiting. He had no idea I was there. I was waiting for him to come down so I could sneak up behind him and shotgun him. So he moves ever so slowly down to look out another door. I sneak up, shotgun him point blank and Read more

So I’ve been playing a lot more lately, and I think people relying on shotties(besides the overpowered part), is what I’ll call the early CSGO problem. Anyone that played CSGO when it first released knows the frustration of the netcode and how inaccurate guns were even when you were completely accurate. Outside of Read more

Man, glad it’s not just me. The number of times I’ve screamed about getting blasted by a shotgun....
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Many “sportsball” type people pointed out how terrible a lot of professional athletes are for a variety of reasons. Now we’re seeing a lot of professional gamers (whether that be streamers/youtubers or e-sports type people) are just as awful. I think it just means that there are a lot of assholes out there in every Read more

Every single time we make a stride towards some form of gender unity in this community it gets massively undercut by some assholes who think it’s somehow an invasion of their turf. Read more

my 17 yo daughter plays it on her iphone. im proud lol Read more

My distraction during elementary school was Hardy Boys. I would borrow a book from the school library and rush through my assignments in order to have more time to read. This angered one of my teachers to such a degree that he prohibited me from bringing non-curriculum books into the classroom. Read more

Kids these days. Back in my day

It was Counter-Strike that distracted us back in my day but we didn’t have the mobile tech to play it at school. Read more

On the one hand, part of me resents the fact that I grew up in a period before tech like this was available. Adult-me knows just how much kid-me would have taken advantage of this. Read more

Reminds me of when my high school gave iPads to Sophomore students (I was a Senior at the time). Nothing but endless sessions of Happy Wheels. One kid in gym class used it as a baseball bat. I dunno what they expected. Read more

I’ve been getting messages for about three weeks saying that SOMEONE is trying to get into my Epic Games account. They keep locking it. Read more

Wow!!!!!!! I love these! I’m impressed. I’ve been an amateur GTA photographer for years now, but never attempted anything near like what these people do. I take a lot of candid snaps and spend time going through them, but I don’t have the patience to do this level of work on them. Kudos to the photographers. Read more
