Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Tune in next week for a special episode, Logan Paul teams with Dr DisRespect for a joint cross platform project called DisRespect Paul! Both are confused as to the negative comments they receive on this knew project! But somehow they will still gain 1 mil+ new subs and break twitch streaming records! Fear for our Read more

I loooove playing matches as random teams. One of my favorite things to do is to play awful, sloppy, India v China matches against my friends. Read more

This is a great article. I love it so much. Reminds me of how my brother and I used to play games together. Nothing quite as awesomely organized and themed as this but brought up some good memories. Read more

This idea is awesome. I don’t have a lot of friends into FIFA. So the best I can do is play in the Korean league in career mode. Read more

I love this idea! Am now wondering if any of my friends would be able to carve time out of their careers and child-rearing to actually do this. Annnnddd... suppose I’d have to get them into FIFA, too. Read more

Maybe I’m just incredibly naive, but as someone who has very little activity on social media (Only a FB account I rarely use), is it really that hard to create a private, separate account where somebody can unleash their “inner asshole” without self sabotage?
Any time I see a story like this, I always wonder how Read more


I remember that strawberry well, and I’m sure I got it the same way you did it - by doing the full loop. But there’s a strawberry that really tested my patience... Read more

Ghost towns in MMOs, unused multiplayer modes in shooters, indie games on PS4 after a few months... it’s like the circle of software life. Read more

Riot handled this situation in a similar fashion, removing content. They would make different modes available for only a short period. This backs up their data of people moving on very quickly. Read more

I taught for 4 years at a high school vocation school in computer labs. Emulators were always a problem, as was a Quake 3 Arena, at the time (which was a bit old by then, but was easy to pirate, I guess). My first year teaching I shared a classroom with another teacher and we didn’t want them to play games during Read more

I saw him speak at the Smithsonian’s history of video games exhibit when it opened. One of his anecdotes was about an old arcade machine he designed, how the covering was terrible because it was completely solid and had no ventilation. He also said that the girl in the ad was a stripper. Read more

I don’t play GTAO, but I’m an avid car collector offline, and have been since the GTA:VC days. I actually have am Excel spreadsheet for GTA:V where I list out what cars are in which garage, with which modifications and color, and pictures of them. If I get a new one but need to put it into a different protagonist’s Read more

As we drive, the conversation steers towards Rockstar and the future of GTA Online. “We feel ignored,” Swiftly said. Read more

I’m an avid car collector in GTA online. I currently own over 150 vehicles and have probably spent around 180-200 million customizing them. Car meets are really awesome and a great way to see variations of things you own and the creative personalities behind them. I’d say the car collecting is 80% of the reason I play Read more

It is easily in my top three games of the year, its just so brilliant. Every now and then a game comes along that makes all other games in the genre look bad. The Witcher 3 did it was open world RPGs and I would argue Divinity Original Sin 2 does it with Isometric PC RPGS. There are games we look back on with Read more

People being helpful and considerate and a Ugandan Knuckles is still being disrespectful? Color me shocked.

I’ve had a few seizures playing (usually singleplayer) games, it can be rough to get through, and having someone there to support or help, VR or not, is a really reassuring, considering how out of it you are Read more

I have a friend that have epilepsy and he had a seizure in my car once. There’s really not much you can do but to wait it out and hope that they didn’t hit their head on something while it’s happening. They usually don’t know what happened immediately afterwards but gets super tired and out of it, I’m guessing it’s a Read more


Restores a touch of faith in humanity. Of course there are a few that were still horrible, but it is good to know that the majority were ultimately decent people. Read more

The secret behind Fortine’s success: It’s free. Obviously that’s not the only reason, but it’s certainly the primary reason they are able to reach the sheer number of players they have. If this was a $20-30 game, it wouldn’t have 1/10th of the players.
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