I think people idolizing Rick is very similar to people who sided with Walter in Breaking Bad. Both terrible people, but it seems fans get cool confused with terrible. I remember being dumbfounded the number of times I would hear people defend Walter because “he was doing it for his family”. Uhh, doing WHAT exactly?… Read more
I liked season three specifically because it focused on countering Rick’s toxic nihilism. The best way I can describe this show is to say that while Rick isn’t a villain, he’s the antagonist. Him and his nihilism has fucked over everybody near him and I absolutely relished how by the end of this season his entire… Read more
I always found it miraculous that any show could be as funny as Rick and Morty and also manage to be super thoughtful or expose genuine aspects of the human experience at the same time…I’ve never been disappointed with it, and it’s not because I’m mindless in my fandom, but rather because I think its lowest moments… Read more
I think that the season was great with a lot of fun jokes and thought provoking scenes and episodes and it really felt that they were building up to something... and then it just stopped. Read more
Disagree. This season was pretty clearly all about how much Rick needs his family, despite everything he says or does that is contrary to that. While, to me, every other season made it seem like he is only going to stick around until he gets bored or till shit hits the fan; The end of season 2 plus the whole season… Read more
Aside from the season finale, I actually really enjoyed this season. I felt like what Summer and Morty went through in terms of their parents divorce was a lot like what my brother and I went through when our parents got divorced when we were in our teens (even down to dad being with some weird exotic lady and… Read more
Yeah, I agree. This season had its moments (Tales from the Citadel was great) but overall just wasn’t as funny or as insightful as the previous seasons. Not terribly surprising. You can only keep a great thing going so long, but here’s hoping they find an angle to bring back a little bit of that season 1 magic for… Read more
My friends and I make it to the final 10 all the time, and the KEY to winning many of these matches has almost always been holding the high ground. Sometimes you get lucky and can do that via in-game geography, but more often than not you have to make your own. One popular method is to do so off of an existing… Read more
Honestly, those criticisms—particularly concerning the language choices (I didn’t realize that only three of the languages spoken on the African continent included clicks; I definitely learned something about both the area and my own preconceived notions today)—seem both fair and perfectly reasonable.
While I will… Read more
I just love the different levels of development these weapons were abandoned at. You have weapons that don’t render, weapons that cannot be dropped, weapons that - when thrown - don’t land on the ground. Not to mention the hammer that doesn’t appear to have a hit box for collision purposes. Read more
Link wearing that horn on his face is the best thing I’ve seen all day. Read more
I’d almost certainly say this is related to Call of Duty(at least Infinite Warfare). Playing after any new set of ‘epic’ weapon variants drop, you can pretty much immediately see what one would assume to be that exact use case above: within hours the patch, you’re dropped into a match with multiple players using a… Read more
Agree with all the stuff you two are saying on Mario. Nintendo is straddling this weird line between Mario being an actual character and Mario just being a necessary puppet for the player to control. And the end result is something that’s pretty weird if you think about it. Although I was talking to someone about… Read more
It’s natural selection. Mario has simply evolved to a point where none of the lesser creatures of the Mushroom Kingdom matter. Punch a dinosaur, mind control the lowest form of mushroom life... It just doesn’t matter there. It may seem cruel from where we’re standing, but it’s a natural process there, and we should… Read more