Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

I imagine a big part of the whole review-bombing phenomenon stems from a desire on the bombers’ part to “hurt the developer the way they’ve hurt us/our chosen representative (as in the case of PewDiePie)/our community/our feelings.” When you cannot directly attack someone or something, you go for their reputation—and Read more

My favorite are the people that have 2,335 hours in a game who downvote it because it got boring Read more

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Stuff like this is how I know we’re doomed. For example you look at something outside of games, like the documentary Whose Streets. Regardless of your politics you watch that movie and are fundamentally compelled by it. The IMDB rating was something like...3 which is insanely low and wrong.

People a voice, and now

That final boss looks like a giant version of the robots in Neir. Read more

The Legend Himself, of course they would. Read more

This was my first time watching streamers take on a raid blind. It was super interesting to watch them try to figure out the mechanics. I was watching Gothalion struggle with the last segment, then switched over just after Slayerage killed the boss. Can’t wait to try this raid! Read more

But will they have Amiibo? Because I’d buy a Doom Slayer or classic Doom Guy Amiibo.
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There’s absolutely nothing Scary about what the Firewatch devs have done. This isn’t “we’re gonna randomly and unexpectedly take down your shit if we don’t like you or your politics!” Read more

I usually play Mercy because I’m not very good and I don’t have a problem admitting it. But I don’t do that hide-and-revive stuff. It gives me satisfaction to keep my team mates on the front lines by keeping their health bars topped up, and it also every time I score an assist because I’m damage boosting someone else. Read more

Listening right now... As a Mercy main, I always chuckled at the one-trick pony bit. Mercy takes a lot of situational awareness and I’m interested to hear your thoughts on the matter. I’m miffed by the changes - not against tweaking her, but this makes her an entirely different hero & has turned me off of playing not Read more

I’ll be completely honest. I only marginally like fighting games, in the sense that like means I pick and choose ones I like and buy them but hardly play them because I’m terrible. Read more

I am going to pretty much say what you just did, but from a slightly different perspective. You are looking at it through a gaming perspective but I think it is more insightful to look at it from the porn perspective. As I said in my response to Mr. Tissue, it’s like the difference between strippers and conventional Read more

Some people dig the fact that it’s happening live, and you can interact with the model. If you ask her/him a question and they respond, people dig that. The idea of you can make a request, throw in a tip, and they’ll do it? People get what they want. Read more


camming is some legit-ass labor. thanks for writing this, merritt. Read more

Despite the stigma directed at sex workers, Morbid feels that camming is more accepted than streaming as ‘real work’ Read more

Describing how Twitch can take technical lessons from the porn industry just reaffirms that the porn industry is always, always at the forefront of technology. No exceptions. Read more

I find it really interesting to have a lesbian theme that isn’t just used for exploitative reasons but actually because it makes sense in the game itself.
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If Square Enix can’t be bothered to spend the pittance it would take for them to meet SAG-AFTRA’s demands, I can’t be bothered to spend a dime on this game. Read more

I started playing it with a friend the other day. The argument Chloe has with her mother actually hit a little too close to home for me since my mother and I had a very similar relationship when I was in college. (I was flunking all my classes, my mother would try to give me a scolding, I would get into an argument Read more
