Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

I’d say this proves dialogue is more than just about the specific words being said, no? Something can be ‘well-written’ but sound like garbage because it’s not how real people talk, or the acting is off, etc. Read more

Seems pretty different to me. The cards are on a thing separate to the game, for example, whereas MEA emails are often tied to missions / trigger missions / influence missions / affect your understanding of the missions. You get email expanding on conversations, something I actually experience in real life.

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I collected a handful but it took me a while to realize they displayed images / holograms - I just walked away listening to the audiolog instead! Read more

...almost whoever! i’m now recalling a few exceptions, but it’s pretty abnormal to be able to say that about any game Read more

Dragon Age 2 allows the player to sleep with whoever, which also felt weird in a way - this stuff is so tricky! Read more

They’re not asking for simple inclusion, gay characters are already in there. They are sad that the options that are included are shorter, significantly less polished, and stereotypical next to the straight options, a reality that stings more when it comes from Bioware, a company that prides itself in being Read more

A lot of YouTubers seem to be in an existential crisis about being on the platform, which they don’t entirely control, plus the grind that comes with having to produce daily content. I don’t know that PDP is leaving YouTube anytime soon, though. Read more

I’m not scared of Pewdiepie, I appreciate what he represents and am fascinated by YouTube in general, which is why I report on it. That said, as much as I like some of his videos, couldn’t some of your criticisms of old-school media apply to him/YouTubers as well? “grabbing onto any story they can to stay relevant” Read more

Can you imagine trying to talk Natalie Dormer into recording lines for something like that? I don’t know if Bioware tried, but I imagine she’d say no lmao Read more

They do not. Minor spoilers, they tell you the Quarians are on their way, maybe. I actually think there’s a good story reason for it, or at least I’m extrapolating from some of what happens - I have no idea why they actually made the decision. Read more

It took many hours for me to find the quest that showed me that side of the story, rather than the hollow “everything will be OK!” colonization ideology of the Initiative. Mind, I had some of these quests right away, but I thought it made more sense to prioritize making planets liveable + finding the missing arks, Read more

Oh, sure, most media now teases you about what comes next, though I felt mostly satisfied by what I had played up until that point, you know? Read more