Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Maybe 3 or 4? My problem is that I bought a shitton of comics off of Comixology earlier this year, and I keep saying, “I’ll start reading a book when I finish these comics!” but my subscriptions means that the number will never approach zero. Slowly hacking away at it though. I went from 50 unread comics to 30 this Read more

Write. Do something different than what you see everywhere. Pitch. Look for stories centered in the act of playing, and what people are actually doing within games. Pay attention to YouTube and Twitch. Learn video. Read more

Highlight Reel kicks a lot of ass, Chris has developed a real winner there. If anything I wish we had more video stuff that was as successful. I’m hoping that with time, we can get there. Read more

Depends on location, certainly. I’ve heard that it is more common on the east coast, but either way, it’s probably more attainable to the average person than, like, Dragonite. Read more

Yes! They told us they were working on the game when we originally reached out about server issues. But otherwise pretty mum. Read more

Another thing to consider: the game isn’t out everywhere yet. My guess is that issues will continue for another few weeks still, because there are still a lot of people who haven’t had a chance to play yet. Read more