Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

I respect whatever ND is doing here and that they selected what they thought was the most appropriate talent. I just also wish, bigger picture, that more people of color got paying opportunities in a field they’re not always super visible in, even in times when a role might suit them. Read more

I’ve seen people keep citing this, but this ideal sure hasn’t stopped the Brotherhood from appropriating new-world tech, either. Read more

I understand what they want to do, I just don’t think it’s a cut and dry case as they treat it. Synths are not inherently evil. The tech can probably be used for good or at least learned from. Anything would be better than just “DESTROY THEM ALL ASAP!” Read more

I think that’s what strikes me about this. I was spoiled by Fallout 3, where the Brotherhood wasn’t THAT bad. And then we get introduced to this Brotherhood, who are the worst. They’ve always been kind of awful, but yeah, not quite as much in Fallout 3. Read more

You can be both right and an asshole, and I think BoS embodies both those things perfectly. I understand where you’re coming from, though! Read more

Yeah I didn’t want to get too much into spoiler territory here, but there are many, many reasons why they are the worst. :) Read more

No, my review of the game is my review of the game. Lots of my points here I made in the review as well, I just dive a little deeper here! I don’t hate the game now; I still like it and have been playing it endlessly since release. Read more

In a perfect world there would always be more specific opportunities for all sorts of creative builds, yeah. So, while I don’t think 3 or NV were perfect, they did scratch that itch that made people feel special, no matter how they wanted to approach a problem. Read more

I think you mean “I’ve accepted things are different, sometimes in ways that are good and sometimes in ways that are bad.” Read more

It’s happened across a few games, I think. Mass Effect. Final Fantasy. Probably others I can’t think of! Read more

I have suggested to people that Charisma isn’t worth it, after playing through with it myself and finding the dialogue to be too thin to be worth it, but I can def see why having the option would be nice. Read more

Ha, yeah, in a different draft that’s the example I used at the start. That moment was very disappointing as well! Read more

Yes, sneaking in and turning them off is still boring. I just outlined a possibility where you can actually bet on the robots and experience them in that way, instead of having to do any combat at all. In the situation you’re presenting, I still have to kill raiders to save the robots, and then they’re just stuck Read more