Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

This still doesn’t explain why changing the deaths of other characters never resulted in anything nearly as ridiculous as that tornado. Only Chloe’s death changed things like that. Why? Read more

Yeah, I mean just yesterday we pubbed that article that described how, in Destiny it apparently takes HOURS to just open up a map to make a quick change. That’s just one game. We never fully know the circumstances at play when it comes to game development. Read more

Ha, yeah, everyone I know calls it the Palpatine or some variation of that. Read more

I would say the first level I highlight here is definitely “Nintendo quality.” Sure, it would have been great for the game to have had these features, but it doesn’t. Somehow, that’s not stopping players from finding creative ways of making it all work, though. Read more

As I understand it, for all runs in this category the timer starts when the timer appears in level 1-1, and it ends when Mario hits the actual axe in 8-4. Read more

I think this is relative. As I said in the post, he has over two million subscribers. That’s a big number! The thing is, people can now be stars within niches, which means that not EVERYONE might know who they are, but that doesn’t make them any less ‘important,’ you know? Read more

I think some of what you’re describing is definitely at play here: players are annoyed and exasperated, because their courses aren’t being played. So here’s a guy that promises play time in exchange for a star. Not a huge surprise to see it climb the ranks, given the state of Mario Maker right now! Read more

You can comment without starring a course, actually! But it is annoying that the game’s built-in button automates the starring, yes. Read more

I did mention the party system being kind of eh. I didn’t experience any lag or host quitting, though, but I acknowledge others migh! Read more

Oh shit! Well, that’s even better re: my point, because now ‘action’ isn’t even in there :P Read more

yeah, and it’s pretty badass to see - especially when it;s the last woman standing trying to get the objective. Read more