Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

As I understand it they are also taking feedback to tweak its current form? But yeah, early access for a single player story driven game IS unusual. Read more

I only have the digital version, but there is a physical version with a large idea book as well. Read more

Lord I would LOVE it if you could pull up an article where I have used the word “misogynist.” You’ve created a character in your mind that does not exist. I don’t use words like that in articles because they are off putting. I don’t think about things in the way you think I do. Articles about sexy ladies are Read more

See the asterisk in what you’re responding to. Headline structures are not a catch-all. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. It depends on what it is. Read more

I just control-F’ed the word “attack.” I didn’t use this word once. A lot of people seem to mistake “this isn’t funny” with “I’m offended” or “I’m upset,” or even “I feel hurt” when in actuality the two do not go hand in hand. It’s kind of like, if someone told me a “what’s the deal with airline food” joke I wouldn’t Read more

That makes sense. I’m hoping for improvement in some way, at least, not vouching for them to outright get rid of it! Read more

I mean, I wouldn’t have been broken up about this either way. But people who make a living on there might, and this was a pretty silly situation, so it seemed worth highlighting. I respect that you feel a certain way about gaming videos of this nature but I hope you know that other people do feel that YouTubers bring Read more

Just kind of fell out of it, to be honest. With Yannick’s enthusiasm over MOBAS, I’ll likely get courted into it again, it’s just difficult to juggle all the different things I’m interested in. I recognize this means there’s a blind spot in our coverage at the moment, but such are the woes of having a small team, I Read more

It’s out for the general public on September 11th. Right now its in the hands of reviewers, entertainers, YouTubers, and the like. Read more

No but seriously though...I blame Nintendo.