Chris Person's discussions

Chris Person
Senior video producer of Kotaku. I make Highlight Reel. Send your clips to

Yep. I don't disagree with him (I spent more hours on Number Munchers than I can count. Read more

The thing that's the most terrifying to me personally isn't that it looks scary, it's how close they are to it the real thing in really subtle ways — the little details. It's an uncanny valley kinda fright. Read more

Leo's voice is a nice warm blanket of good feelings that I can never hope to match, but I try to approach that level of greatness every day! Read more

There you go.

Also — and this is crucial — I would never equate weird with bad. I really enjoy all the stuff that comes out of Second Life, despite how specific and semi-obscure it is these days. It's an artifact from a less controlled and sanitized version of the internet. I had a great time playing it. Read more

That's fair. I would argue that the things that the game allows you to do (namely have a unicorn orgy around a giant 10 foot phallus) colors my interpretation of it. Read more

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His other video has a lot of good moments in it, but it rides a really creepy line that kinda irks me a bit.

Second Life is an MMO open world simulation where you can buy property, chat, have sex with things and generally do strange stuff. It was popular in the mid-2000s, and appeals to a very weird cross-section of people. There is no end-game, really. It has a virtual economy where you can trade real cash for Linden Read more

I rewatched the original with that in mind, and the big problem is there's a lot of repetition of the song and dramatic dead space. They would have had to considered new transitions and whatnot. But yeah, the variations would have been nice to hear. Read more

You have no idea how much I regret not posting that when I saw it. I will try to make up for it with GIFs.