Chris Person's discussions

Chris Person
Senior video producer of Kotaku. I make Highlight Reel. Send your clips to

What are you talking about? He's wearing all the proper safety gear.

War...war has changed.

Gender Swap Sora With Ski Goggles is my favorite.

Oh I know. I just am really blown away by how succinctly that conveys exactly what each of those classes does. Also, we have gameplay footage! Read more

Slightly longer than usual. The real render-hog is the overlays. Read more

Also a head's up - this is the first episode of HR in 60fps. It really only impacts one clip this time around, but that'll change soon enough! Read more

I did. As much as I like Vaati, I don't see eye to eye with him on this one yet. Read more

Combat-wise it's OK, but something about it really bugs me. I feel like it's trying and failing to do to Dark Souls what Darksiders did to Zelda — just take the core mechanics and add a meaty viking to it. Half of what I like about Dark Souls is the world building and the design and aesthetically Lord of The Fallen Read more

Dan vs. Mr. Satan. Go:

Now playing

One of my favorite examples of totally disagreeing with someone you respect is Siskel and Ebert's original review of Blue Velvet. Siskel liked it a lot but Ebert hated the way David Lynch treated Isabella Rosalini's character (and thus her as an actor). Siskel counters that she's a grown-ass woman who chose that role.

I like Bayonetta a lot. My friend Brad and I had a long discussion about how we feel she channels the same surreal spirit of drag ball culture, and if authorial intent matters at all in that rendering. Read more

I mean it paid off now. I mean "waste" in a loving sense. Read more

The video is funnier if you wasted a lot of time on Star Wars canon as a child (like knowing Palpatine's first name is Sheev or that Max Rebo's music style is known as "Jizz"). Read more