Chris Person's discussions

Chris Person
Senior video producer of Kotaku. I make Highlight Reel. Send your clips to

Pretty sure that rom hack tool corrupts everything, so yeah. Read more

The place where this kid has their birthday party is practically the same place I had that exact same birthday party in Virginia, which made the experience of playing Fallout 3 really, SUPER weird. Read more

Ack, sorry to blow up your spot! I'll add that link to the body of the text for now in case people can't find it. Read more

FYI: The concept of Waterfalls is also a weapon.

Now playing

Also, if you don't have time to go through it, here's part one of a let's play of it:

The Austrian government should just nationalize this dude's flat. Read more

As much as I love it (I do a lot), copyright can be a thorny issue with these vids. Read more

*Sees a giant Kaiju staring down a Twerk Jäger in a devastated cityscape*

Their research will make sense when you see the final design.

Yeah you can see what he looks/sounds like at this specific moment. It just goes to show you that when it comes to voice actors you NEVER know what they actually look like because a crazy vocal range affects all walks of life. Read more

"With musical guest...COUNTING FALCOS" (RIP Don Pardo btw)

Hearing that voice come out of him is absolutely magical though. Read more