Nick Vannucci's discussions

Nick Vannucci

I agree we need a black world champ, but RE: New Day, just because their characters aren’t entirely serious doesn’t mean that they’re not taken seriously. Just look at the list of folks they beat on Monday to break the record: Ceasaro (Former Tag/US Champ), Sheamus (Former Heavyweight Champ), Gallows and Anderson Read more

Tina’s on the left channel (in your left ear), Evan’s on the right (in your right ear), also hey guys! Read more

Actually Wizards just released a "disabled" character in Commander 2014. Daretti, Scrap Savant, from Fiora. He's paralyzed in the explosion that ignites his planeswalker spark and creates himself a mechanical rig to get around :^)

This motherfucker right here.

I voted yes, because I don't mind throwing them the $15 (MAYBE $30) before the inevitable shift to f2p. Read more

Anybody else think it looks like a fighting game? Like Pokemon: Type Wild, but official and 3D? The fact that they decided to show off Lucario and Blaziken can't just be a coincidence. I mean it could just be two random pokemon that they thought would look cool squaring off but idk a man can dream Read more

Hitz 2003 is not only my favorite sports game, it is one of my favorite games of all time. I would give anything for it to be rebooted ala NBA Jam. I'm glad I'm not the only person that still cares about this game. Read more