Nick Denton's discussions

Nick Denton

Yeah, there's an argument for both modes. ALL is good if you're going in for the first time and want to scan the conversations and see the context for each individual reply. LIVE is useful if you want to refresh often and see what's come in since last you checked. But both views risk inflicting trolls, spammers and Read more

Well it's already better. I can choose to engage with you, for instance. It's stimulating. And you might even get me to change my mind. Or I yours. That doesn't happen that often on the internet. Read more

I'm not just unfamiliar with sports talk radio, I'm unfamiliar with most US sports. I used to pretend that was because I was English. After 15 years in the US, even that excuse is wearing thin. Read more

That's a good idea and one we've discussed internally. I'll bring it up again at the next product meeting. Which option do you think would be most functional? All of the comments grouped together in their sub-threads; or displayed individually in chronological or reverse chronological order? Read more

We did have a LIVE page which showed all replies in reverse chronological order. But then we got complaints that our system had allowed in too much junk. One can't win! Read more

Most tech journalists are foremost business journalists. We briefed them before the launch of the new discussion system. They obviously want to understand the "business model" of internet discussions. Read more

Hey, David — Deadspin discussions have been of so much higher quality than those on other sports sites. But we can do better. Read more

You might be willing to pay for content. But you're in the minority. There aren't enough people like you to make a subscription business sustainable. And even the option to pay for an ad-free version is too complicated for a smallish company to offer. I can barely manage to wrap my mind around one business model, let Read more

Sue Out for what? For accusing them of being a homosexual? I don't see how that constitutes defamation in an age of sexual tolerance and particularly when Out is celebrating the people on this list. Read more

Yeah, site was slow. We had issues with the cacheing of the headline index. Better now? And the pages are lighter, so the speed should be an improvement over the old site, at least once fully optimized. Read more

Yeah, site is slow right now. We had issues with the cacheing of the headline index. But it should load much faster by this afternoon. And the pages are lighter, so the speed should be an improvement over the old site, at least once fully optimized. Read more

@bobkoure: Argh. They are plenty catty. But in this case it was a flat-out joke. Maybe I should get Richard Lawson — a former commenter! — to do a video explanation of his humor. It gets lost in text, particularly after it's been cut and pasted a gazillion times. Read more

@heytherefancypants: Hmm. Did you associate an email address with the account? If you do have one, the reset password command (see top of page) should send you a new one. Read more

@JordanAT: That could be because the hackers got hold of an old user database. Small mercies. (Though that's also complicated the reinstatement of accounts.) Read more

@Davio: Get hold of scott at gawker. And email the link for this thread. Read more

@heytherefancypants: Well, most of the people commenting here are in the system, no? The bigger problem right now is people being locked out. And they can only email. Read more