Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

As someone who got several world first raid boss clears back in vanilla, this isn’t exactly a new problem. People hunted me and my guild mates all the time and many came to our server because it was the one with the best guild. Read more

Hello, attorney here chiming in again. You are correct Nathan, if you do not throw in everything in you can - if you do not you are later procluded from bringing it up under a legal theory of “Res Gestae.” The ysstem was created that way in order to prevent someone from suing another party for a particaular matter and Read more

I love quick little cheap games that can be fun for a short while then put away -- unfortunately I think Steam’s refund model hurts the potential of that type of game a good deal. When I’ve finished all a game has to offer in under two hours, I want the creators to be properly compensated, but it’s hard to turn down Read more

Honestly, more games need to be comfortable with the idea that they’ll be played and then put away. Like, I love me an Ubisoft open world-fest of gradually clearing icons off a map but not everything needs to be adding season updates to try and make me reinstall and play again for an hour. Read more

Not trying to create controversy here but it is unfortunate that Faze Cloak's response was to complain that Ninja wouldn't tell him what he was eating and then boast he was eating a delicious bacon sandwich. Given that Muslims don't eat bacon this came off pretty poorly. Could be Faze Cloak had no idea why Ninja was Read more

that sucks but maybe now it’ll die down a bit and I can actually get in the queue  Read more

oh thanks heavens, I can watch TFRP and NoPixel streams again with those bafoons gone. the GTARP scene was quite fine before, and will remain so. Read more

I saw that yesterday on Imgur and thought: “Does this work?” Read more

Great review. I’ve not seen or heard anything about this game before but it seems right up my alley. I love games that try to do things a little different from most of the pack out there, even if they don’t always completely succeed. Read more

Mike’s been at this for so long now, glad he is getting some major attention recently. Read more

Thoughts of self-harm and depression must always be taken seriously. It’s unsettling to me that my favorite pastime (playing video games for fun and to relax) can lead to such dangerous conditions for the top-tier players and the developers that create games.  Read more

That one guy had the right idea just hovering the thing all over making most of the screen visible on short term peripheral vision memory. Read more

Imagine a horror game with this built in as a core mechanic. Co-op mandatory - one of you is the character and one of you is the flashlight. Or other community-like restrictions, like one where a player has the HUD and other players have free-roaming cameras attached to flashlights.
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That's too bad, in a season dominated by GOATS, I really enjoyed him throwing out the occasional Torb Read more

I jumped in without doing the tutorial (derp) and restarted my character. It took a few tries, but everything just clicked, and suddenly I was having fun. Here’s some tips it took me forever to figure out, but also I learned from others:
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I’m normally a fairly staunch defender of copyright; I make part of my living through my own copyrighted materials, and will call my lawyer with the quickness to protect my IP from infringement (because failure to protect copyright can weaken a claim to the same).

That said, even I feel like there has to be room for Read more

For those wondering where they can find the streams of the characters mentioned in the article:

Mel is played by Spaceboy, Eugene is played by Vader, and Joe is played by Cyr. Check them all out on 

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Weird how so many people “just acting” in video games seem to have all picked an acting style that requires the regular use of crude racial stereotypes of the sort that would be considered offensive if used in any other context. Almost as though the RP is an excuse to get away with doing and saying racist things that Read more