Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

This looks amazing and I’m all for remastering Diablo II but...well...these things rarely get finished. So I’m not gonna hold my breath. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it, however. Read more

Wow...I can 100% relate to this game. Read more

Ehh, I’ll give it a go. I am somewhat of an introvert but I always look for a dog when I am at social engagements. If I can, I bring my own dog. Such a good excuse for ending conversations and leaving early. Read more

So it is a spinoff from Kingdom of Loathing. I wasn’t quite sure from just the name, but the graphics and humor are spot on.
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Kingdom of Loathing has always been a personal favorite of mine, and I’m super happy to see another game set in the universe (especially one on steam)/ Read more

Somebody please do Tidus laughing next. Read more

What I especially like about Pyre is that your ability to make important choices is directly correlated to your ability to play the game. Read more

I know I am going to get flame for this, but I find the Tracer’s butt controversy and Blizzard reaction to change it after one parent complained about it is silly especially when they are other poses to choose from and the pose in question is tamed compared to the other skins out there. Read more

Awesome. I always hope with good representation in their games follows the same standard with hiring, but always assume the worst. Read more


Blizzard couldn’t be a nicer seeming company from how open they are about the development process and balance decisions to their customer service being incredibly charming. Props to them for seeing a chance to boost that positive image in the wake of googles internal memo disaster. This is some devious but nice stuff Read more

Deathmatch will use a series of modified versions of maps that are already in the game as well as a brand new one: Chateau Guillard. It’s a fitting (?) place to host a deathmatch, because it used to be Widowmaker’s home before she made her first widow. Read more

Which is going to be a dating sim and Blizzard will get all the money. Read more

Hey if they are going back on their word on this maybe it means there is hope for a single player campaign mode. Read more

Is there a mission where America shoots the holy hell out of your hospital, strafes your fleeing co-workers with Apache helicopter fire, and then responds to any attempt at justice or accountability with a dismissive shrug and a laugh? Read more

Awesome. Now let me just alt-tab to consult the manual sheet again on which 4 key combination can put a splint on this guy’s leg. Read more

McCree looks weird without his strangely angular half-beard. But he’s confident enough to go with a bit of fuzz on the chest, so I’ll allow it.

“Safe Ass Mother Fucker” is good, actually. Read more

No, he was obviously wearing a pair of Sonics soap shoes
