Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

The issue with the TRULY bad games, is not enough people own them for there to be a lot of reviews to make something “the worst game on Steam” therefore it’s going to be dominated by titles that were letdowns to established fans. Read more

I’m surprised by the mix here. It seems to run the gamut from indie game likely from a single developer to a niche but established RPG series to a game from one of the quintessential RTS series. I would’ve thought cheap ripoff games would dominate the bottom, but the disappointment for established fans runs deep. Read more

His Genji plays absolutely blow my mind. He’ll be in the middle of a 4-on-1 fight and come out the other end with full 200 health. What the hell. Read more

feasel then went off to give a wedgie to the guys that ran the sombra arg.
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I was there, once all the clues were found it was a mad dash by what seemed entire realms worth of people to get those pages. I was stuck in Panda-land for almost an hour as people swarmed a single page. Fun times. I did enjoy it more than the previous one though.
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frankly, i just don’t see the appeal.
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What a great story he has to share with his grandkids some day, and they’ll ask, “What’s a banana?” Read more

This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S
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Please remember not to reply to any bigots and trolls and, if you see one commenting on your thread, to dismiss them as soon as you can. Be sure to also inform others of trolls on their own threads and inform them of their ability to dismiss their comments. Please do not let toxic assholes dominate the comment section. Read more

I mean, I was going to suggest Mario Run or something but these work too I guess Read more

Time to do my Usual Thing: Play the game heavily, hoping to get what I want, and then drop $40 five hours before the event ends. Read more


PUBG sold one million copies in two weeks of early access. Hopefully, Greene has a revenue sharing deal in place. Read more