Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

When I saw the clip earlier I wasn’t expecting the laugh at the end. It was a nice touch. Read more

Wouldn’t he use Zarya since she’s more efficient with her energy? Read more

Pretty spot on for the most part, definitely with the McGregor-isms haha. I was hoping he’d drop a mention about red panty night and changing their bum lives haha. Read more

I’m doing a 180 here - the DVa nerf sucks balls and never should have gone past the conception stage. Higher ranks might not be affected but it has completely ruined lower rank play. Roadhog is OP and all those idiot dps who think they carry are not capable of even making it to the point now. DVa was always able to Read more

Diva is fine. She’s now much more like a Winston, which is how she should be. She is definitely worse than before, but that’s because she was a god before. People don’t like not being unkillable Read more

CTF is way fun, people just don’t have the mentality for it in this game. Read more

I love most of the skin for Chinese New Year. I’m still missing Ana, Tracer, Zenyatta, Roadhog, Winston, Reindhart, and Red Mei. Read more

I can kiiiinda see why people are saying “Wait you kickstarted the first game and it was a success, why do you need to crowdfund again?!” and why they said the same thing about Banner Saga, but on the other hand, now we KNOW both companies have a good track record of actually taking the crowdfunded money and releasing Read more

World, please slow down. I haven’t even played that much of the first one or Witcher 3. Read more

I live in the Bay Area. When I got the news that 2 people died yesterday, I dismissed it. It’s saddening to see that these people played an important role in other people’s lives. Read more

I’ve only played 3 matches of it. 2 were draws. I’m going back to Mystery Heroes.
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It’s fun enough for an event, but yeah. One thing that did strike me as weird is that you can cap a flag when your own flag is missing, every CTF game I’ve ever played required your own flag to be present when capping. Read more

Jeff, you know, That Guy From the Overwatch Team™, has talked about different game modes a lot in the past, and CTF was always one he was most hesitant about, because like... well, why wouldn’t you just do Tracer Lucio and sprint all the way through the map in 3 seconds? Read more

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League of Legends is somewhat famous for this in that most of the things in games are “minions”, the little creatures everyone is killing for gold and exp. Often abilities are made up of many of the minions, but they’re invisible and repurposed. The most famous example of this is when Jayce who creates a “gate” which

Anarchy Online... Guild Wars 1... LOTRO... Copycats. Read more

This is an extremely familiar concept to anyone on the League of Legends Subreddit. Just google “Coded as minions” and “Riot Spaghetti code”. Read more

Sooo close... Mood fo doom eht. Read more