Really wanted the Mercy skin, bought 11 boxes and leveled up from 150 to 171. But alas it was not meant to be. But perhaps that will make me stop spend money on the darn thing. (Christmas themed stuff is usally ugly anyway.)
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Really wanted the Mercy skin, bought 11 boxes and leveled up from 150 to 171. But alas it was not meant to be. But perhaps that will make me stop spend money on the darn thing. (Christmas themed stuff is usally ugly anyway.)
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Weird Al puts on an awesome show. Isn’t he somewhat into games as well? Nothing will be more interesting than Deadmau5 performing for TI5 and then trying to get into Dota2 after because he thought it was cool looking. Read more
When I built my car, everything was fine, but water pump kept failing, suddenly fan belt dissapeared, no replacement part in store. Now in changelog it is said that all despawned parts respawn on landfill, where drag racers occur. Thanks, now I have to take a van, and drive half a map and search on enormous field for… Read more
I remember the first Arcade Brawl - I ended up with my friends in a 45 minute slog on king’s row against a team of six invincible Meis. We eventually took the first point, and it was another further 20 minutes from there to a hard-won victory. It was beautiful, chaotic madness. I got a match card for doing something… Read more
Cannot decide if this is needlessly complicated, or actually useful. Read more
Lol, those types are always my favorite. I saw one where a widow maker literally missed all her shots, than ulted, body shot someone, who was killed by someone else. Read more
I saw a POTG in which Pharah got one kill and then shot herself against a railing. After that I figured POTGs weren’t really serious. Read more
One contributing factor of the low rate of PotGs for those characters is what the system recognizes as a massive game-changer based on the characters’ abilities and the extent they reach. Another is player skill behind the character and what passes as common technique. Mercy flying in out of nowhere to rez the whole… Read more
What they really need to do is give credit to anyone that sets up a potg. Think about how many potg fuels by nanoboost, or set up by mei or zarya - only to have a junkrat or pharah get all the glory Read more
Tried it out earlier. It’s cool but the density can get silly at times. If the modder can just figure out how to tweak the values or offer a lesser version as an alternative I think it’ll be great. Some really great mods already like the fast action mod, no more holding the A button!