Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

I loved the twin stick type mech games at the arcade. The game would be awesome to play with that control scheme (for d. Va) Read more

Still a little upset that d.Va’s mech isn’t canonically controlled with a mouse and keyboard. Read more

I know someone has found a guaranteed way to get Winston in every time on PC but I haven’t seen a DVA. Read more


The comic depicts a dog in a room that is burning to the ground. The dog reacts calmly even as he is slowly burning/melting away. People use the image to display calmness in an otherwise stressful situation.

For that one guy who doesn’t get it and refuses to click the link above.

In a way it’s actually a nerf. You see a lot of plays where McCree manages to take down two people with Fan the Hammer by swiveling before those last few shots go off when the first person goes down. The speed increase means the damage goes out quick, but it reduces the opportunity for these added kills, but it Read more

Well the original nerf was to keep him from being a tank shredder. Increasing rate of fire on fan doesn’t increase his damage from the fan, it only lets him reliably kill squishies before they get away. So I think this was the best adjustment they could make and should be fine. Read more

My current favorite strategy is to build a colony of nothing but psychopaths, capture everyone you can, then chop out all of their organs to sell to passing pirate vessels in exchange for heavy armor and weaponry. I’ve now got what amounts to an ultra-max prison set up with a high-tech hospital and a thriving organ Read more

The dev answered this in his AMA. They did not crib it, worked independently through various styles and ended up with that one, which turns out to be (as the Prison Simulator people found) the best art style for the game style.
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Starring and replying so I can clear up the confusion here. From what I’ve read (after speaking out about this particular issue) the RimWorld devs actually asked the Prison Architect devs (Introversion) if it was okay to crib their art style. Their answer was, “yes.” Thus, you have the art style. Read more

I’ve heard the name of this band floating around for a while, but I’ve only just now listened to their work. Read more

Love Thank You Scientist! Can't wait for the new album! Read more

Sounds a little late to me. I wish Valve would go back to being an active company instead of being a reactive one. I mean, rake in that Steam money, you deserve it. But then maybe actually do something with it. Read more

Valve always does the right thing after they’ve pissed everyone off. I knew they’d come around. Read more

I only gamble on human skins. I have many human skins in my collection ☺️ Read more

I’m comfortable with this. My brothers-in-law and I have been playing the hell out of Overwatch, and while I’ll never be a top-tier player (I do not have the skill, nor do I have the time to develop that skill as a function of the rest of my life), I’d like to think that I and my little band of merry men are good Read more

I wouldn’t mind them taking a page from the NHL and awarding the losing team in the case of sudden death. Yeah, they don’t get points for a full win, but they don’t lose rank after a really even match, either.
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While understandable he’d want to give chase it isn’t worth your life to do so. Sometimes even if the law enforcement in your area isn’t that great let it go. It is great they got the guy due to his efforts but he lost his life and his life was worth more then that bike. Read more