Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Spooky mansions are some of our world's most precious resources. They not only hone the skills of the best CS players, but produce better albums, and provide an excellent backdrop for teenagers solving mysteries with their dog. I say never exorcize them! Read more

So does the ghost paint the walls with the patch notes that nerf great guns in BLOOD? Read more

Well damn straight I'd win. King of the monsters baby. Read more

People love pondering who'd win impossible fights. Superman vs Goku, Godzilla vs a Pacific Rim robot, my dad vs your dad. Finally, though, here's one we can actually watch: Fallout 3's main character vs Skyrim's Dovahkiin. Read more

Science and technology versus magic and cold steel! Excuse me, I need to go play Arcanum again. Read more

In related news, those who think Superman would beat Goku literally couldn't be any more wrong about anything ever. Read more

The link just brings me back to this post... :/

Holy fuck yes. I mean, at least as I'm playing it I can put myself offline. Read more

First up, the feature with the biggest long-term implications. There is now a "follow" button in every Steam user's profile, separate from friending them outright. Granted, a follow option already existed in Steam to an extent, but it was mainly focused on Steam Workshop (read: mods) creators, Steam Greenlight Read more

Chan actually handled this really well. It's nice to see that not everyone in these kinds of games is a stuck up dickhead. Read more

OK, time for a game of fill in the blank: "Pride goes before a ____." Read more

"OK, time for a game of fill in the blank: "Pride goes before a ____."" Read more

Some of the best matches I have ever watched in Starcraft 2 were the result of amazing skills turtling when resources were bare, this though... This was a travesty because he went in with the strategy of doing this... Read more

As the tediously slow match dragged on, Hovmand tabbed out of the game and checked social media and Twitch chat. He was probably just bored, but people were discussing key elements of Dai's strategy, not to mention his supply count/resources. That information could've easily been used to cheat, which is why Hovmand's Read more

And I think it's gonna be a long long time

If you're going to point people toward CS tutorials, you need to give some love to the War Owl: I like JackFrags and all, but the War Owl should be every aspiring CS player's bible. Every single one of his videos can help you become a better player, and he goes way beyond the Read more