Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

I think the blame lies squarely at Capcom's feet...they had the time to test their damn game, and could run a closed beta to make sure users across the world don't play something broken. Read more

It's most likely an implementation problem, not Steam or GFWL being better than each other but Capcom not doing the port properly, the odd amount of UDP binding requests shows that it's Capcom's end of things and not the services. Read more

Bluh. Anyway, who's looking forward to this one? Read more

When asked how many pages an assignment should, a professor of mine once said the shorter the paper, the more brilliant it should be; the longer the paper, the more interesting it should be. Well, the more gigs a game requires, the better looking it better be. And I'm not sure CoD can justify 40gigs. Read more


Is that because the game works now? Read more

Coincidentally on Origin Battle Field is having a Free Weekend. Read more

Here's hoping you acually get a chance to plan and execute the killing. Just give me a map with a lot of different options and ways to kill the targets and I'm happy. Not follow the instructions to see some blood and overly dramatic camera. Hoping the developer delivers on the promise Read more

This looks sort of interesting to me. It's like old school Burnout but on a motorcycle. Read more

there's something relieving about a studio that doesn't take itself too seriously. Read more


After living on the west coast for quite a few years now, I finally came across what I consider to be a large spider about a month ago in a wooded area one dark night. I caught something large-ish out of the corner of my eye. I missed it by maybe 4 inches. At first It thought it was a bird but (aside from Read more

Ugh I ran into those ants a bit too early when I was playing Fallout 3. I got destroyed. Read more

I have friends and family who are like this. I must be really abnormal because, aside from yawning, I have never had any of these other things happen because someone else did it. Even after seeing bugs scamper across my path I have never gotten a sudden itchy sensation. Read more

Well it seems very serene and kinda relaxing truth be told. Read more

In regards to the title, I kinda want a survival game where you don't die, but your journeys wear your character down more and more until you're left with a crippled pile of flesh that can just gurgle and watch the sun set. Pls. Read more

OK, it gets REAL crazy. I won't speak any more about this, but phew. Read more

So why leave though? I don't get it. He sounds like he loves working there. His job is pretty much in stone at this point so he doesn't need to worry about being laid off anytime soon. If i had his position I don't think I'd move an inch. Read more

I am standing and saluting the director behind some of my favorite games of all time. Right here, in my office. I'm doing it. Read more