Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.


Valuable life lessons from games? I could post literally any Zac Gorman comic and feel pretty good about that as my answer.

Alex Kidd in Miracle World gave me the best advice for shopping.

Love the whimsical presentation. I've always a soft spot for adventure games like this one. They remind me of the my favorite childhood books, like Corduroy. Anyway, I'll definitely be backing this one. Read more

I've always been good at keeping my eyes to my own section of screen, and i've found that playing a new game with friends who screencheat goes through a few phases - Read more

It'll also be playable online, which sounds markedly less enjoyable. How do you even replicate to the maniacal fun of stealing a glance at someone else's screen when they're hundreds of miles away? It's the greatest mystery of our time. I hope developer Samurai Punk comes up with a good solution. Read more

I never got why people hated "Screencheating" so much. Read more

Had a friend on Goldeneye that had mastered running around all the levels after capturing the flag (or whatever the object was) while looking straight down at the floor. Would go through those fake walls in some levels, and just sit there while we all tried to figure out where he went. Read more

I was an unrepentant screen looker. It was my only defense against the sinister web of proximity mines my friend would assemble in The Complex. Read more

Coming of age with a Quake bar/bat mitzvah. Your first kiss with Quake. Having Quake over for dinner. Quake and kids! Read more

looks like Walter white....