Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

worst mosh pit I ever been in was at a warped tour, going through a crowd of preteen girls to see Dropkick Murphy's then some band called Good Charlotte started playing on the stage it was horrible I still have nightmares second worst was Slayer but that was fun. I have noticed Punk show mosh pits tend to be a little Read more


There is a lack of mention for Amped 3. Silliest and yet most interesting launch game for the Xbox 360. It's mostly about snowboarding, but why leave it at that? There's an entire mini-game set dealing with how badly you can wreck yourself. You can also ride snowmobiles.

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I want more wingsuits. If I can't swoop into an enemy base, silently taking out baddies like my hero Snake Eyes, why do we have games?

Minecraft is in desperate need of a hang glider. Read more

there was (is?) Cube World too. it had an equippable hang glider to jump off cliffs with. I don't know if the game is still in development though Read more

They go an mention sonic Rush but forget all about Sonic 2!? it's on the games cover >_<

I felt uncomfortable (if a white man can be from a upper-middle class family) because from my experience in the military, and seeing much of what I trained for going directly to departments. It's less about race and class nowadays (but still prevalent, for sure), and more about training and recruiting those that Read more

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So no civilians, no collateral damage to be had? Nothing that would distinguish this game from BF4 in any way other than some new modes? It seriously seems like this could've been an expansion pack instead of a $59.99 product. To this I say!

I'm a patriotic citizen. I strongly support America's military, and I support our police. They have difficult, often impossible, jobs. Read more

Wait... so a game called "Battlefield" has scenes that turn into... battlefields? Read more

Ah yes, the "oh, it's just like last gen but with more pixels phase". We will have to push past the initial knee-jerk period of just slapping a first person camera in games before things start to take advantage of it. I've had a DK1, and I go through periods where I don't use it, and then I pull it out again for Read more

Perhaps its in part that you're doing the rounds at booth demos? Read more

perhaps being (kinda) in the industry has mad you more jaded than the normal instant gratification gamer? Read more

I wish it could ever wow me to begin with. I hear about VR over and over again but a couple years later, still no goddamned consumer models. Read more