Nathan Grayson's discussions

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

it’s contextual hugging, so there’s not a button. but yes, you can give hugs sometimes! Read more

yeah, I can see it both ways. I really like the idea of a mysterious, evolving alien species that players can’t just “solve” immediately, but if they’re changing so quickly that only a small portion of the player base can keep up, that’s a problem Read more

I didn’t know about those guest spots! esp interested to hear what childish gambino brings to the table. his latest stylistic turn vibes pretty nicely w kimbra’s whole thing, but he might also do something totally weird and different bc, well, it’s him Read more

yeah, but we’ve gotta wait until early next year :((((((((((( Read more

why guilty? kimbra just rules imo. don’t think I’ve ever gotten a negative reaction from anybody I’ve played her stuff for Read more

the whole album is great! one of my favorites of the year. might even end up being my favorite, period. so many different styles and ideas represented. really good pacing, too. it’s one of those albums that always leaves me wanting more when it ends, but in a good way Read more

so, I totally had this problem too! turned out, though, that I managed to follow the wrong path as soon as I started the second act, and it put me in a region of the map that was way too high-level for me. I accidentally skipped driftwood, and when I found my way back there, everything was my level and significantly Read more

man yeah, I remember reviewing dragon knight saga for gamepro back when gamepro was still a thing, and jeez, what a disappointing game. wall-to-wall generic fantasy nonsense with clunky controls and, like you pointed out, boring dragons. boring dragons! I also encountered a game-breaking glitch and had to start over, Read more

a couple hours if you’re good at arma. if you’re, um, less good at arma (like me), probably around three or four. it’s a mini-campaign for sure, but it’s definitely worth it imo Read more

saw it, fixed it, then stared bitterly at myself in the mirror for several minutes Read more

you should try going pro. you’re already most of the way there Read more

coincidentally, I was only just introduced to the, uh, “works” of neil breen during PAX weekend while staying with friends. thank you for unknowingly bringing the whole thing full circle for me Read more

Now playing

Some other cool games I saw, but didn’t get enough time with to feel comfortable writing up:

I’m gonna do a post in a day or two asking people to share their best ones. Super excited to see what people come up with (and hear the stories behind them)! Read more

I was thisssssssss close to picking her True Name