Nathan Grayson's discussions

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Once you’ve saved somebody, you don’t have to save them again. However, they’ll still continue their routines, which are sometimes relevant to solving other people’s murders. Read more

they’re not ditching it, actually! what it sounds like they’ve done is tweak the system so that it can better differentiate between a “natural” streak (that is, when luck is on your side or laughably against you) and streaks born of unfair practices like smurfing. here’s a full quote from Scott Mercer that I Read more

they then had to solve 42 consecutive riddles to make him stop Read more

I find it helpful to count the number of grains on a beach or stars in the sky, then add one or two hundred to that number. That gives you a nice, reliable estimate. Next, tear out your eyes and chant in tongues of the dead in hopes that the uncaring Blizzard algorithm god will accept your sacrifice and deign to give Read more

Good news: I’m hoping to do a proper interview with Greene soon! Read more

Yeah, that’s a big problem for me. I start off on a losing streak where matches were close, and then losses become more and more one-sided over time. Two hours later, I’m like, “I JUST NEED ONE WIN AND THEN I’LL STOP TORTURING MYSELF.” It’s not a good time! Read more

yeah, I love sianvar! saw them live earlier this year. they killed it, and they were all super nice dudes Read more

they’re amazing! I loved the style of their second album, but I’m also happy having the mars volta: abridged edition Read more

New line-up still does some nice harmonies! I saw them open for The Dear Hunter last year, and they sounded great. Still warming up to the new album (hadn’t listened to it much until today), but I’m already in love with this song. Read more

Yeah! I haven’t gotten to try it, though, because I live alone :( Read more

sometimes big publishers set embargoes for ludicrous times because... I honestly do not know why. Read more

Note: all the serious info from our interview ended up in my preview piece. If you want hard (or slightly less hard, depending on your perspective) info, go there! Read more

I only remember them completely if I wake up in the middle or near the end of them. Otherwise I just get bits and pieces sometimes. Read more