Nathan Grayson's discussions

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Tracer’s butt can time travel, though. You’ve gotta appreciate what her butt brings to the table on that level. Read more

Nah, there’s a drug system in the actual, er, game part of the game. Basically, if you’re not on Joy, some citizens will regard you suspiciously and maybe even attack. Joy only ends the game right at the start. Read more

Yeah, I am curious about how that’ll play out. In the near term, it feels like it might make him more annoying, which... ugh. We’ll see, though. At this point it feels like Blizzard keeps pushing him ever-so-slightly in different directions in an effort to find a balance that finally works for him. He feels less like Read more

I post about indie games pretty frequently, often as a quick sort of “hey, this game exists” kind of thing. Shoot me an email at Read more

I majored in English and Media, but I can’t think of a gig that those degrees directly led to me landing. I freelanced for a bunch of sites in college, and that’s what really helped me get jobs over the years. If you have an idea and can write, start pitching! It’s never too soon to start getting experience under your Read more

Yeah! I’ve been into them since their first EP. I still remember hearing Gemini for the first time and getting that tingly feeling where a song resonates with you on a physical level. “Science has gone just far enough,” I thought, nodding my head approvingly. “But also I hope it keeps going because it’s 2011, and I Read more

how could you leave out waluigi (also played by stephen totilo) Read more

dishonored 2 dishonored 2 dishonored 2 dishonored 2 dishonored 2 Read more

mischief makers on n64 was never a franchise, but mischief makers on n64 Read more

I’m not in the office, but I’ve only been able to play it sporadically because pokemon are so far away from me! why won’t they come to my house and hang out? am I not cool Read more

I’ve mostly been reading comic books lately. Paper Girls is easily the biggest standout at the moment. Crazy 1980s time travel adventure (with a bit of The Goonies thrown in for good measure) penned by Brian K Vaughan? Yes please. Read more

idk, I mean we all saw what dan ryckert did to him in their PAX scrap. Read more

I saw someone comparing it to people who collect priceless paintings and stuff like that. you get something you consider beautiful, and you can display it to others for prestige/notoriety. I guess that kinda makes sense??? Read more