Sam Feinberg's discussions

Sam Feinberg

Yeah! But I've grown tired of pining for NFL 2kxx. Read more

If you're only buying 2K for the updated rosters, its pretty clear that the game is wasted on you. You might as well just keep playing 2K11. The amount of improvements they've made to this game is absolutely staggering and they haven't revealed all of them yet. Read more

You are probably being too literal about the statement 'toning down the 3D'. Nintendo will probably re-brand their console to make the focus less on 3D and more on the DS name itself, while adding to the console a second analog stick that can be added to old models by a $10 upgrade. Read more

Deep brain kiss, huh? Metroid Porn, welcome to the 21st century. Read more

But they're not a hard-ware developer. That is what I meant, I see Nintendo becoming irrelevant in the hardware side of the business. Read more

Domino's pizza seems to be doing a pretty good job of ruining their pizza all by themselves. Read more

Playable cut-scenes are the way of the future, man. You mention BioWare, playing as Joker while the Collector stole the crew of the Normandy was exhilarating. I can't think of any other examples but I wish more cut-scenes were dreamed up as game-play. Read more

Just finished playing the demo, it's pretty hilarious. Your girlfriend of years is putting the pressure on you to get married and you begin to have nightmares where a demon version of your girlfriend is chasing you up these climbing courses, where you have to push and pull bricks to create stairs for yourself to Read more

I'm sure they are busy at work on the next Metroid FPS for Wii U. If they aren't, they are absolutely crazy. Read more

I can think of so many reasons why this thing is awesome. Read more

My first official e3 prediction: this IS the Crimson Skies sequel, except it is being re-imagined into an online multi-player frag fest with a Call of Duty 'level up system' Read more

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