Seung Park's discussions

Seung Park
Social Media Editor. Please don't tell me a 13-year-old can do my job

If you asked ten-year-old me and present me this question, my answer would be the same: a Pokémon game spanning ALL of the regions. Give it to me, Game Freak. Read more

I’m powering through David McCullough’s tome on the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. Fascinating read. Read more

I was in Korea when Gangnam Style happened. You ain’t seen shit. Read more

I see this has already been answered, but to give some context on After School specifically — the idea behind the graduation concept was to let aging members depart gracefully and incorporate new members to keep the name going. Pledis screwed up on two fronts, in my opinion, by: Read more


I feel like every K-Pop fan will run into that moment at some point, where all of the bad stuff (and, yes, there are lots of bad stuff) catches up with their fandom. The decision becomes, do you try to separate the drama from the music and continue to enjoy K-Pop while acknowledging its numerous problems, or does it Read more

Now playing

Orange Caramel is hands down my favorite group (I’m just looking for any excuse to spend a whole week doing nothing but OC songs, tbh).

I’ve shared my thoughts on XC2 many, many times on our Facebook feed (please go follow us :p) and I think the general consensus is... there IS a lot to like, and your overall opinion of the game depends on whether or not its negatives are important enough to overshadow the good parts, namely the story, music, and Read more

They had a bit of a weird tonal shift a few years ago (looking at you, The Boys) but Holiday is one of their best songs IMO, up there with some of their most iconic title tracks. That being said, they don’t draw in the awards like they used to. And I’ll always miss Jessica... Read more