Matthew Buzzi's discussions

Matthew Buzzi

And how, exactly, is any of that not true? Also, the headline is written with a comedic side, but it's backed up by what he said. "that's GOING TO BE ABLE TO", that implies in the future. Read the other comments in the interview. "All those things I can commit to, but I can't commit that there's going to be another Read more

The turning on your sound part is tongue in cheek, because it's not good, and makes it funny. Read more

"A *Ridiculous* Comparison Between Skyrim and World of Warcraft" Read more

The entirety of your post sums up my exact thoughts. Thank you for that, well said. Read more

What platform are you playing on? I've been playing on PC and encountered none of those issues. Read more

Huh? It's this actual artwork [] totally taken out of its original state and put into a game setting, turning the man into a zombie in the process. Read more

Definitely makes sense to compare a game world populated by 10 million people to one occupied Read more

Well, Notch has said (as the article states) that they'll continue adding content after release. It's just technically not in development any more, but being patched to add features! Read more

Yeah, I haven't seen a dragon kill animation yet either! Didn't even know it was an option in fact Read more

Erozeck: The Light Armored, Lockpicking, One Handed Blade/Dual Wielding & Bow using Argonian! Likes to try and sneak attack with bow to start a fight and pick off enemies, and Shout with fire or flame breath. Level 11 so far, having a grand time.

Really? If you look through the YouTube comments, people seem to be placing it ahead of the 360. Read more

I haven't gotten a chance to play my copy, but it seems like you answered your own question! It's a more polished, feature filled Oblivion by all accounts. Should be well worth it for an Elder Scrolls fan. Read more

Of course! It was deserving of being used, so I was happy to use it. I didn't notice the clouds at first, subtle! Read more

Stephen and I wrote positive responses, you should have just focused on the good things instead of mouthing off at the bad! Read more

The motion controls are innovative. No, not because you have never swung your arm around before, but because of what Wii MotionPlus allows. You can swing in 8 directions based on how you actually swing, including a sword thrust move. There are other uses that add to immersion, it's not simply a gimmick, having played Read more

I guess I see what you mean. Wasn't really the same message as you should buy a Wii for this game, but unnecessary either way Read more

It was your "Luke=Idiot." comment that lost you your star. Hardly the sort of comment expected from a starred commenter, or any reader. You're welcome to disagree and explain yourself, but you're not welcome to insult the writers (or anyone, really), especially when that's all your post said. Read more

But it's not antiquated, haven't you read anything? The gameplay, at it's core, is actually much more robust than Skyrim's. I'm an Elder Scrolls lover, but the strength of the series really isn't in the actual playing or combat, whereas Zelda continues to innovate. The motion controls actually let you attack in Read more