m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

I don't believe voice commands will be quite significant to the fps action or most action game genres - Commanding a secondary team or unit perhaps. Let's say you're Ezio, viewing a nearby target who is surrounded by guards, a quick voice command like "Assassins!" calls in your recruits to help out. Read more

I can remember prefering the Genesis Shadowrun over the SNES in part because it didn't use the adventure game mouse cursor gameplay to get around. Never liked that type of interface for dpads. Nor did I like the isometric view. Read more

I was actually inquiring on these on the last open thread, wonder if heat would be an issue. I don't like the design, but if I were to get them cheap (not frickin $60!), I would probably mod them on my own, make them look like rustic metal - Perhaps some steampunk type theme. In this way of course the console stays Read more

I completely agree. Having played through the demo and was surprised by how much I enjoyed the "slow, deliberate movements." Considering the added weight of armor and weaponry, the game does a good job of making the main character feel heavy while controlling him. It definitely won't win any awards for voice acting or Read more

Minus the horrible [HORRIBLE!!!! Worse than the Wing Commander 1 & 2 Voice Expansion Packs!] voice acting, I thought the Cursed Crusade demo was pretty good. I like how heavy the main characters appears to move, as if he's wearing a lot of armor. Somehow it felt right. I can see myself getting that game not long after Read more

Is it ironic that just as the announcement of Jobs death was being made on CNN that I was gleefully opening up my eBay shipment of a new/used Palm Zire 72, and thinking that I'm not going to miss having an iPhone? Maybe. Read more

It is region locked. I remember the wave of gadgets and boot discs to get around it. I imagine they're still being made. At one point I wanted to mod my PS2 just to play Berserk. Of course you can also import a Japanese PS2. Read more

Now playing

What I would like to see happen (and now that PS3 is emulating old PS2 games, perhaps there is a small chance) is to finally get translated versions of the Sega Ages Phantasy Star series remakes - I believe they did the first 3 only. I'd love to play through those!