m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

Got a call from The Nielsen Company earlier this evening. Did a small interview, and they'll be mailing me the written diary to track down what I watch. I'm not exactly excited, but it should be an interesting experience. I do wonder if it will lead to getting one their channel trackers installed. Read more

Oh I feel your pain. I recently had my 40gb fat PS3 (upgraded to 160gb hdd) start overheating on me. It's to the point where I can turn it on once an hour to use it for 5-10 minutes before it freezes on me. It took quite awhile to slowly transfer game saves to a usb thumbdrive, and I didn't get it all. Because of that Read more

Hell yes! Tho I doubt they'd put money into translation etc. Tho since PSN does offer untranslated Japanese PS1 games, there may still be some hope of playing it. I'd honestly be just as happy if the Dreamcast game became available - I thought the voice acting was pretty good. Read more

Ugh... I don't know what it is, but I tend to get nauseous playing a majority of FPS games. And watching people play them is even worse. Cool trick, but I think I need to get some aspirin now. Read more

I didn't start Brotherhood until maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I somewhat regret it because so far (imo) it's the best one. I'm pacing myself by switching off day to day between story quests and rebuilding Rome and building up my Assassin cohorts. In the end aiming to get to 100% by the time Revelations comes out and continue Read more

You can always bring your system to your friends house - People have been doing that for years. Hell your friends might not even have that console, right? Manufacturing is pretty much automated now and retail (like Gamestop) is growing to support digital. If the game eventually disappears from the grid, then make sure Read more

Oh,I think people generally want the best bang for the buck. Nothing wrong with that. Of course the companies who produce the goods want the same thing. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, and people will complain. Deal with it, or just don't support them. Read more

I wish backwards compatibility existed in the modern PS3s like anyone else, but I've been over it for years now. On the other side of the coin, there are people out there that could have missed out on these games during the last generation. Not everyone has or had a PS2 and/or have heard of these games - Perhaps they Read more

I would love to check out what a $1800 set would sound like. I'm still rockin the Klipsch Promedia GMX 5.1 which I got used for $90 some 5 years ago, and I'm perfectly happy with it in the living room. The sub isn't quite as punchy as I'd prefer, but it shakes the house well enough. The other minor annoyance is no Read more

Rochard looks to have a Shadow Complex/Metroidvania feel to it. Looks interesting. Guess I'll make use of my Plus membership. Also, why isn't Harmony of Despair on a Plus discount and including DLC? My Castlevania fanboy heart is a bit torn. Read more

So now that Resident Evil 4 is $9.99 on PSN via Plus pricing, I'm kind of curious about it. I never really was very interested in the Resident Evil series. I've almost beat the Leon Portion of RE2 so many years ago on PS1 (when renting it), but that's about it. Read more