m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.'s discussions

m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.

Form factor of the Go and size of the 1001 - Comfort and a HUGE screen. I certainly like it. The non-traditional PS d-pad is a little weird, but then it's still a prototype. Dual analog sticks (finally), cameras, microphone, and touch pad(s) - It's going to be interesting to see the types of games or apps that will Read more

I am a fan of the AC series, having gotten the previous games on Day 1. This time tho, I admit that I wasn't too enthused about this release, thinking Ubi was just milking it - But the review here states that AC:B is indeed a polished game. I likely won't be getting it soon, as I (finally) just picked up Castlevania, Read more

Ah, forgot about the Pilgrim release. I dodged it in the theaters so putting the blu-ray version on my netflix queue now — Except that netflix is undergoing maintenance. (making mental note for tomorrow). Read more

That's a shame. I think it would be the ultimate interactive effect gimmick if they could somehow have special glasses that the audience puts on when the onscreen actor(s) have them on - To able to see what they see. Read more

@Datacide: I thought the Nomad screen was perfectly playable. And like PSP 3000/Go it had TV output, also an additional gamepad input for 2 player, so I thought it was a great all in one little thing. Sometimes I wish I still had it and my humongous collection Genesis carts, but then I think about how much a pain it Read more