Among Capcom's E3 titles was a somewhat mysterious downloadable title called Flock, erroneously pegged early on as a…
Among Capcom's E3 titles was a somewhat mysterious downloadable title called Flock, erroneously pegged early on as a…
What determines whether or not a title is a "kids' game" or not? The simplicity of gameplay? Kid-friendly branding,…
Even though we as game journalists play a metric ton of games across a wide variety of genres, each of us has our…
I hung at Sony's swanky booth (there were blue lights and white shag carpets, ooh!) to take a look at the…
"When a phenomenon is occurring, it's impossible to pinpoint the arrival of a new era," said ESA president Mike…
The industry must not forget the audience that made it what it is, warned ESA president Mike Gallagher during his…
Hey, it's Konami time! We'll be liveblogging the Big K's entire presentation right after the jump. Here's hoping we…
Got to check out Spore running on iPhone at EA's E3 booth, a version of the game that focuses exclusively on the…
John Riccitiello, CEO of EA, harvested BioShock's Little Sisters.
Texas Governor Rick Perry believes in the game industry. It's in our nature, he said, to be driven and competitive,…
Take-Two CEO Ben Feder is not a gamer, unless you're talking Carnival Games. He and Board chairman Strauss Zelnick…
Activision was thriving even before its bang-up Vivendi merger, and now on the heels of a stock split, the…
Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello bears no resemblance in person to Darth Vader. I was a little bit surprised.
Halo and Gears seem to have rung in new gold standards in game mechanics, and the general trend since they hit the…
At Sony's E3 2008 press conference, Jack Tretton announced a 80 GB PS3 "Core Pack" that'll go for $400 — "the same…
Sony's Bend studio is currently working on Resistance: Retribution, coming to PSP in Spring 2009. After showing that…
Click to viewSony's hooked up with Warner, Fox, Lion's Gate, Disney, MGM and others to bring video rental to the…
"Your patience [for Home] will be more than rewarded," Sony's Jack Tretton said at E3 — meaning there's still no…
At Sony's E3 press conference, Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest For Booty was announced for the PlayStation network,…
In what he said is an effort to ease user migration from PS2, all PlayStation users will have a single sign-in that…