What happens at the studio when a game doesn't sell as well as was hoped? Imagine being at Flagship Studios after Hel…
What happens at the studio when a game doesn't sell as well as was hoped? Imagine being at Flagship Studios after Hel…
Activision's merger with Vivendi is up for final shareholder vote on July 8th, the company revealed today through an…
Will Wright feels "a bit of remorse" when he makes the choice to kill civilians in GTA IV, he said, speaking at the…
UK-based Rare, along with the University of Warwick's computer science department, are co-organizing a September…
Take-Two Board chairman Strauss Zelnick recently said during his company's financial results call that Electronic…
Firaxis is currently at work on Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization, a standalone for Windows PC, Take-Two…
Atlus announced it's bringing a refurbed version of card-based strategy RPG Yggdra Union, originally released on…
Super Monkey Ball is complete and will be available for iPhone at the launch of its App Store, Sega's Ethan Einhorn…
Hey, Marylanders - looks like you'll be able to get your fix of sweet, orchestral video game music at your local…
Would Take-Two ever consider setting Rockstar loose on the music game genre? Last night, during Take-Two's Q1 finan…
Yesterday I visited THQ here in New York City, to check out their upcoming lineup of games for this year's Fall and…
Chris "Topher" Allen, who had been a multiplayer designer on Saints Row 2 at Volition, passed away on Sunday, May…
Alarmingly, American teenagers are far more educated about entertainment media and pop culture than they are about…
LucasArts may be saying publicly that its recent mass layoffs were due to development cycles, but at least one…
I didn't know very much about THQ's Wii-exclusive Deadly Creatures until now, but after seeing a fairly early build…
Cutest. Robot. Ever. That was the biggest takeaway I got from glimpsing the Wall-E Wii game at THQ's Fall and…
I confess to not having played the original Drawn to Life back when it came out, but I've a pal who's a SpongeBob…
By now you know Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise is coming to DS, and I couldn't wait to have an early look at it during…
Don't expect the BioShock film to launch simultaneously with BioShock 2, Strauss Zelnick said on the company's call…
Take-Two is discussing possible acquisitions with interested parties right now, Board chairman Strauss Zelnick said…