Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

My issue with the ending is it’s just not something that fit the gameplay or even series as a whole. It’s just... there. A big ol’ bomb. Read more

Maybe it’s just me, but the way the game ends it just feels like they’ve wasted the players’ time. You spend the whole game systematically dismantling this cult so that you can finally be in a position to apprehend or eliminate their psychotic (but not in the fun 3 or 4 way) leader only for this to be the ultimate Read more

It’s an interesting game in which the “best” of the three endings is the joke ending in which you never even play the game outside of walking from point A to B. I can understand what they were trying to go for, but the whole “you’re a monster because you played the game as we designed it and we’ll make the NPCs call Read more

I hate this ending to the point where I don’t want to play the game anymore. It isn’t even that I need a ‘good’ ending where everyone lives merrily ever after, but I do need an ending that is a logical result of the gameplay itself. Read more

Edit: There’s a brief spoiler for Final Fantasy XV at the end of my comment; it’s related to this discussion, but I figured I’d warn people it was there.

I have to agree that had the bombs fallen about 2/3 of the way through the game, that would have been much more compelling—and made dealing with Joseph significantly Read more

The real question is, who the hell would waste a nuke (not even going with the actual number in game) on backwoods Montana when instead it could be sent to somewhere a bit more... tactical?
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The entire ending is hot garbage that fits the entire remit of the game’s attempt at narrative which is appearing to have something to say without saying anything at all. Throughout the entire game it constantly references political issues and names but then drops them before using them as anything but a cheap Read more

I know this is growing to be a common complaint, but the text (both regular and subtitles) are still really small and really difficult to see; especially in recent Ubi games I’ve played (South Park, AC: Origins, and now FC5). I play on console (about 9-10 feet from couch to screen) and as I get older, my eyes are Read more

“icon foreshadowing,” or whatever you wanna call it Read more

Sounds like a lot of improvements over Skyrim/Fallout 4 which I like. I think I will always prefer the top-screen compass myself. Turn those world icons off though. Read more

The moment I opened the map for the first time I smiled and immediately said to myself: “Kirk is gonna write an article about this.” Read more

In the popular parlance, I’m what you might consider a gun nut. I’ve owned several over the years, everything from ultra modern ARs to antiques. I routinely carry; my preference is a Colt 1851 Navy replica cartridge converted to .45 Long Colt. I’ve also served in the military for over a decade, and thanks to Read more

This is something i’ve been grappling with for months now. I don’t think that video games create mass shooters and murderers. However, the more I consider it, the more I’m coming to terms that video games are a large reason behind the fetishization of guns in America. We are trained from a young age to covet them, to Read more

Really interesting article. It’s refreshing to see this issue tackled both from the perspective of someone knowledgeable enough about firearms to understand them, and someone coming at the issue from the angle of someone who writes about games, often violent games, for a living. My personal feelings on the gun debate Read more

I actually called their customer support to ask about this since I noticed that at my parents house, this doesn’t happen. They claimed there’s no way to turn it off and took down my suggestion for an “enhancement” to get rid of the crap feature they added. Read more

I do this crazy thing that gives me anxiety where I try to skim through movies before the ads auto-play. Read more