Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I tend to play on my own because I worry about fucking it up for everyone else. I’m a decent player, but not great, and I wouldn’t want to be the reason a quest failed after I mis-timed an attack chain and got trampled by whatever big-ass dragon thing we were trying to kill Read more

It’s so refreshing to hear new hunters express what others have been enjoying for quite some time. Read more

It should also be mentioned that part breaking/cutting works differently between single-player and multi-player. That’s why you may notice it’s easier to cut tails and whatnot playing solo than it is playing with a friend or three. Read more

I mostly play solo and have been having a great time, right now I want to take every new area and monster in and really soak it in.

Every once in awhile I forget to set my status to “Offline” and I immediately get invited to a group by every one of my half-dozen friends playing the game at the time.

Maybe I don’t want Read more

I always tend to check what weapons other people are bringing so that we have more synergy. Go bow if there are long sword users for less trips. Switch to hammer if no one will go after the head. Or go for paralysis weapons if there are a lot of slow weapons like GS. Makes for a better distribution of energy spent on Read more

I’ve put a significant amount of time into every MH released on console in the west and a little time in the last PSP game and 4U on 3DS. Nearly all of that has been solo. I haven’t put a lot of time into World yet, only at HR 9 right now. I’m probably going to solo all the low-rank assigned quests before I do any Read more

I just started playing the game last week and so far I’m enjoying it. I’m still playing solo outside of perhaps once where someone happened to join in. I’ve liked this approach as there is so much to take in/learn that I’d rather stumble about for a bit and figure things out then hold people back/get in the way. A few Read more

For some of the investigations against tempered elders, it’s far better to play alone, then risk going in with three other randoms when you only have one or two faints before you fail. While part of the charm of Monster Hunter -is- multiplayer madness, if you know your stuff and wear proper gear, you can solo your way Read more

I also find it less frustrating to play by myself sometimes, rather than with a group. Nothing worse than launching an investigation and sending out an SOS flare, only to realize too late that it’s a 1-cart investigation and “InsectGlaiveHunterXXX69" just overshot his jump onto a Rathalos for the third time, got Read more

Oh my god, my computer does the same dam thing. I tried the first few steps, and when that didn’t work I said “Fuck it, I dont care anymore” and left it alone, to not sleep when I tell it to. Read more

I had this happen for years between my last full install (2014) and my current one (2018). I went through the first few steps like you did, delving into the advanced power settings. I thought it might be motion-related - it booted up a non-trivial number of times as my wife or I were walking by. Finally, I got in the Read more

Windows 10 is an OS from a dystopian sci-fi future. The real mystery is how it bled over into our reality. Read more

I have a $800 monitor and I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Windows 10 putting my display to sleep. There always seems to be something keeping it from staying asleep. Also, if I turn off my monitor, my desktop and open windows like to resize themselves and shuffle around. This only happens with display port, and Read more

Ugh been having this problem recently and thought it was maybe my shoddy building skills creating a problem. I usually turn off my computer so it’s not a common problem but every so often when I’d put it in sleep I’d wake up and see it turned back on which was so annoying. Read more

I’ve been having this problem too, I just figured something was causing the mouse to move and waking it up. Read more


God I have been having this struggle, started showing up a month ago. Real annoying when you sleep beside your computer desk, the lights kick on, and my dumbass 2200RPM fans go 100% until the fan control takes over and sets them to %30 (The last part I just need to screw around in BIOS though). Read more

Yeah, I haven’t felt completely lost as a beginner. They’ve hit all of the main gameplay mechanics, so I know more or less what I’m doing. It’s just that it seems like a game that prides itself in the details and statistics, but it doesn’t really give new players a way to get into those details without consulting Read more

Affinity is basically a MH word for “Crit Chance.” so the higher the better! Read more