Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I’m glad to report that Hammer is even more fun to play than in previous games, once you get the (pretty easy) hang of it. Read more

I used to use gunlance and light bowguns. Used longsword for a bit. Then they introduced charge blade in MH4 and I’ve never looked at another weapon since. Read more

Man, this is super funny to read how all you guys basically poo poo’d on the heavy bowgun..... I played all weekend with my buddy and we both started using that pretty early on, and we have been doin’ WORK (atleast I feel like we have been lol).
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The best part of MH is that each weapon has a depth and tactics that require mastery. A lesser game would have added 2 or 3 of them and called it a day, or made minor knockoffs. MH has 14 of them, none of them share movesets, and each one has dozens of versions with different stats. Read more

Been playing the Charge Blade since that was the one weapon that actually managed to pull me away from GS, and I partially mained CB in 4U. Also, since it seems that you can’t really get a good level of Focus until HR, that made it easy to skip out on GS for now since I really hate playing GS without Focus Read more

INSECT GLAIVE!!! I suspect most people using it just have no clue about this weapons actual potential. starts off pretty not-so-great, but after you buff yourself with white, red and orange Kinsect harvests, that’s when shit really pops off. It takes some planning in order to ensure you are approaching an enemy with 2 Read more

Switch Axe! Wild swing into morph attack into a mount and elemental discharge feels soooo good. Read more

I’m liking sword & board. Fast, mobile, a GREAT mounting attack. Read more

I just went for the dual blades, because I really like the mobility it offers. And Blade of Mercy was my Bloodborne favorite. So I went for similar weapon right away.
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These are magical boots. They go on the two wooden “legs” at the bottom of the washboard and it brings Washy the Washboard to life. Read more

Sorry for the confufflement fellas! I got a bit o’ the wet on me boots as I warshed me clothes, so needed to dry em out a wee bit. Noticed I did that me scrub board always does dry the fastest it do. Propped it up the ridge there to catch them last BEAUTIFUL rays before they could wink goodnight. Hopefully one man’s Read more

They stepped in dung, and are using the wash board to scrape it off, tossing the waste over the edge of the cliff? Read more

I just completed the game (got the 100% complete achievement less than 2% of players get - yes, I’m a compleiontist) in about 75 hours. I then immediately purchased the DLC pass. Not even BotW enticed me to return to the open world after so many hours of play, but the ACO world is just so damn interesting. I can’t for Read more

I had about the same reaction to Syndicate. I actually wanted to like it, as I’m a huge history nerd, and that particular period in England has always been compelling for me.

I enjoyed the fistfights, and the architecture—and that was about it.

I’m currently downloading Origins from Steam; now that my wife and I have Read more

Once Bayek has freed Faiyum of the Crocodile’s influence, he returns to Aya and Cleopatra in Herakleion, in the northeast corner of the map. The game’s story kicks into overdrive, seemingly hurtling toward its conclusion. Read more

The moment The Witcher 3 went from big to ridiculously big is when I realized it was a game that was way out of my league. At least Breath of the Wild lets you see everything the moment you step outside. Read more

I’m torn on this one because I liked it enough to platinum it but thought that having to complete every location was a bit much. I did a lot of the side stuff as I was playing the story and you get to the end (the actual end) and there’s still hours upon hours of stuff to take down, and I didn’t even come close to Read more

Just picked this up on Steam, on the recommendation of a student who described it as, “Assassin’s Creed meets The Witcher 3.”

I normally buy games on Kotaku’s recommendation, but I can be a bit impulsive (if everyone’s talking about something here, I get a strong urge to play it), so I’ve been trying to tamp down my Read more