Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I have tried, on multiple occasions, to finish L.A. Noire...and simply can’t make myself do it.

When it’s doing the unapologetically pulpy, hard-boiled detective thing, it’s fucking wonderful. Any time it’s focused on character, especially Cole’s war flashbacks, it is a miserable slog. The actual gameplay of the thing, Read more

Maybe I would make a terrible detective, but I found the parts where you question someone too difficult to navigate. I thought I had a piece of evidence that proved the person was lying! Whelp, I guess not as my accusation turned into a dead end? Eject disc.
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It was a good adventure game with a ton of commuting. Now, everything open-world even when I like it feels a bit like commuting when you have to get from point A to point B, but having to drive safely (or it affects your score) was a real chore. But if you fast traveled—ie had your partner drive, you’d miss out on Read more

I thought the game was only okay, to be honest (I can’t stand an open world game with nothing to really do in the open world), but the one thing that will always stick out to me about it is that it was the first game that ever made my father take videogames seriously, before he passed away. He had been in film for Read more

I pledge to Dead Orbit just because they’re the ones whose philosophy I most agree with. New Monarchy wants an aristocratic government, which nuts to that, while FWC are escalationists who value military action over humanity’s other interests. Dead Orbit wants us to expand beyond the solar system to accomplish as much Read more

New Monarchy!!!

This was the exact reason why I decided to pledge with Future War Cult. Grenade Launchers in D2 are so bad. I just hope they phase them out and introduce a different type of gun altogether. Still waiting for Trace Rifles to be a regular thing in the game instead of us being stuck with Coldheart. Read more

It’s obvious what the plural is: Xtacles.

I agree in concept, but it absolutely depends on the world design of the game. The main problem with minimaps, as I see it, is not so much the visual distraction as it is the fact that the assumption of their presence and use changes the way developers design their game worlds. The problem with playing Assassin’s Read more

I’m #teamcompass every single time, but the best option would be giving the player an option to choose between a mini-map or compass. Read more

I’ve got my Super and Melee on a thumb mouse button, I found it critical to remap the super when I started with Nightstalker as the Super needs to be aimed immediately Read more

I’ve done a remap. I’ve got my class ability on Q, my movement ability on E (I play a Warlock), my grenade on MMB, my melee on F, my crouch on PGDN (bound to a mouse button), etc. Read more

I haven’t found a combination I like yet. Until it feels right, I’m using an Xbox controller. I love mouse precision, but I can’t get around how awkward additional commands feel on a keyboard. Much like your running, crouching, melee issues, those are still hard for me to get around on a keyboard. Read more

MMB is where the grenade goes, you heretic! Read more

If you haven’t listened to it, the Trey Parker talk on Nerdist was interesting and I learned a lot about him in regards to South Park. He mentions the whole Trump/Garrison thing since they ran into the same issue the Onion and other satire places ran into, they really can’t make fun of the situation when real life is Read more

It’s you who’ve changed, and I’d say that change is a good thing. Read more