Kirk Hamilton's saved articles

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

All game ads would be better with Kirk Hamilton quotes like that. Read more

And apparently the game didn’t sell very well in the U.K (less than Dishonored 1 and 2 from what I read and even less than Deus Ex: Mankind Divided). I imagine if the reviews were up some days before launch more people would know the game and would be interested in buying it, especially because it’s a really good one. Read more

I played Horizon first (and absolutely loved it) so I can’t speak too much into your experience but I will say that the combat in Horizon is intense and satisfying in a way that Zelda just doesn’t reach. Also, the story gets surprisingly awesome once you start digging into the mystery of why the world is the way it Read more

Breath of the Wild has completely ruined Horizon Zero Dawn for me. I only started Horizon after finishing BotW and it feels so limiting that it’s a chore to play. Read more

It’s pretty incredible how BotW is, fundamentally, very similar in overall design to the original Assassin’s Creed (run around the countryside, climb towers, unlock maps, jump off, rinse, and repeat), but the task is infinitely more fun in BotW than in AC1, where it was just tedious. Read more

Horizon’s climbing was especially annoying when it came to finding the Banuk figures. They’re mostly high up in mountains but you have to search around at the bottom for the beginning of the Designated Climbing Area™ to get to them. That was not fun at all. Read more

In Prey I recommend not using this method too much, mainly because it can lead to sequence breaks in the game. I used this method to get somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be yet in the story and it triggered some events in the game that spawned some pretty scary shit, and led to me dying a bunch in a row.

Something that I hope the new Assassin’s Creed rectifies is the exploration bit. That series pioneered some of the systems and open-world philosophies perfected by Zelda, but the only thing missing from the exploration was interesting reasons to do so. An AC game where the story put a focus on just exploring the way Read more

Finally getting to play Breath of the Wild now that I have a Switch (woohoo!) and I gotta say the traversal is just incredible. The climbing always looked kind of annoying to me but actually doing it is another story. It’s slow, methodical, quiet, and demands that you think about your options, just like the rest of Read more

Looking forward to the Prey review. I’ve been happily surprised by the depth and complexity of the various systems at work here, and I think it’s best tribute to System Shock 2 since Bioshock.
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Really funny in parts, not as good of a soundtrack, and overall just slightly worse than the original. Read more

This. Drax was my favorite, I kinda wish he had a bit more action scenes tho Read more

It fleshed out enough the characters that we don’t need a standalone movie for each of them; all the guardians are what they are because each’s relationship with the other (Gamorra/Nebula, Gamorra/Peter, Peter/Rocket, Peter/Ego, Peter/Yondu, Yondu/Rocket, Drax/Groot, Drax/Mantis...) Read more

As I was watching the movie, two problems came to mind. Read more

During the PS4 demo I immediately thought “oh, a mouse is going to be better for more than just aiming a gun here”. All of your main interaction with objects is cursor-based, and while it works fine on a gamepad what with them fixing the input lag, it still feels like I’m playing the game in slow motion. Glad the Read more

I picked it up on a whim. I had extra cash for a newer game last night and saw that this was releasing in a couple hours.

It’s just plain fun. Half-life meets Dead Space meets Bioshock kind of fun.
I’m enjoying wandering around and finding cool things, and the game is actually challenging. I’ve died a few times from Read more

This is actually the first FPS in a long time where I didn’t immediately pause the game in the first few moments to crank down the mouse sensitivity. It really feels like someone played this game on PC before shipping the default settings. Read more
