Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

Yeah, I’m curious too. I bet Bungie will release numbers at some point. Read more

Context: Jason and I, along with our excellent teammate Todd, just made a flawless run all the way to Mercury in Destiny’s Trials of Osiris competitive multiplayer event, which is not easy to do. It was a hell of a ride. I’ll have something more in-depth on it, and on Trials in general, later this week.

I got so excited when I watched this trailer that I immediately started fondling my sweaters. Read more

Added the Microsoft poll back in - Kinja had eaten it. Apparently Kinja doesn’t like Gears of War. Read more

I keep those on my alts so that when I turn in bounties, I can pour XP into them before I break them down, thus helping with my constant shortage of Plasteel Plating and Sapphire Wire. My warlock doesn’t need any more hadronic essence, so I transfer all blues/greens (except for green boots) over to my other two Read more

If you could give one piece of advice to your 2009-era, “I’m about start working on SpyParty” self, what would it be? Read more

If you’re not in a hurry, I actually recommend getting all three armor sets and swords, and upgrading them as you get high enough level. With saddlebags you can pretty easily carry all of ‘em, and you can switch up swords so often that you’ll always have awesome swords, regardless of which armor you go with. Plus, the Read more

Same, I basically just keep the loose ponytail, shave his beard and let it grow out. I do go for the high-tight ponytail sometimes, though—it suits him in some of the armor, and the loading-screen art actually features that haircut, making me think it’s... like, more official? Or something? Read more

They’re all pretty cool. I dodge and use Quen a lot, so Cat suits my style best—and man, the high-level Cat armor is so cool looking. Read more

We get into Destiny at about the 40 minute mark, though fwiw the Witcher spoilers we cover aren’t all that intense - just some stuff that happens in mid-story missions. Nothing specific about the ending, late-plot developments, anything like that. But yeah, if you wanna play it safe, Destiny talk picks up at 40:00. Read more

Yeah, I like how exasperated Geralt gets by some of the stuff people ask him to do before they’ll help him. I bet most RPG protagonists feel similarly, so it’s nice to see one of them say so. Read more

Behind the scenes at Kotaku: To get that screenshot of all seven of the cats, I had to spend a surprising amount of time walking around and chasing them into a single shot. I believe that’s the first time I’ve ever actually herded cats in a video game. Read more

Important update: I didn’t know this, but Roach is actually often a mare, and so not a “guy.” I’ve corrected the top image to read “this dope,” which is also a more accurate description of Roach in general. Read more

I actually did 34 on my other character, I was just clearing 32 on my third alt. I agree about the final boss being easier, but man, that Hive arc-burn level was NASTY. Read more