Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

So many skulls! So much black! So much blood! Let's imagine a world where, instead of trying to look badass, metal albums wanted to look more like...jazz albums. Read more

You can't buy the raid gear. You can buy 33 light vanguard armor, which is better than the armor from the last raid (the Vault of Glass), but Crota's End armor is 36 light, so it remains the only way to get to level 32. Read more

I think it's the timeframe that gets our goats, more than anything else. It'd be one thing if we got to use our Fatebringers and Hezen Lords armor for a year or two before they were rendered obsolete, but mere weeks? If the game is gonna get updates at this rate, Bungie is gonna have to adjust things to compensate. Read more

That'd be cool, though maybe it'd be better just for consumables, crafting items, etc? I have like a billion hadronic essence that'd be a hell of a lot more use to my teammates' warlock alts than to my main. Read more

I'm still torn on trading. It'd change the game so fundamentally, ya know? I think maybe I'd prefer they just improve the loot system and make the game more generous in general. Read more

I'm beginning to worry that deliberately getting everything about that quote wrong isn't going to be as funny as I hoped it'd be. Read more

can we please run this gif more often thx

Yet the most burning question—will we ever get more Dinklebot?—goes unanswered. Read more

Upon reflection, I'm really glad Mike pushed us to beat Crota legitimately before trying the LAN thing. This exploit was both hilarious and time-saving, but it would've felt pretty hollow to do it without first beating him the way Bungie intended. All those hours we spent beating our heads against this fight made the Read more

Simultaneously the best and worst game of the year. The game that I complain most about, yet also the game I'll keep playing the most through 2015. I'm playing it right now. Read more

Right, which is why the majority of the games on this list aren't striving for photorealism. (Though I actually think Call of Duty games have their moments.) Read more

Definitely don't play Danganronpa 2 without having played the first game. It's a direct sequel and most of the story wouldn't make any sense. Read more

Yeah, the sound design in Destiny is high-level, too. Obvs the big-ass robot sounds and whatever, but also some of the more basic foley - that splish-splash sound when you run through water, for example. So good. Read more

Yeah, I'm interested in how it holds up - I'll definitely write about it once I find the time to play. Read more