Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I'd say you're good just starting here. Go do the Keep online and make the choices/catch up on the story there; it's no problem to just start the new game after that. Though if you haven't played Origins in particular, it's worth doing sometime, because it's good! Read more

I had that thought, too - I would've loved something like the war table in ME3, and while there are different teams working on that series and Dragon Age, I hope to see something like it in the next Mass Effect game. Read more

Right? I don't understand her business model at all. The only think I can think is that she's independently wealthy, and just keeps a store for kicks. Read more

I'd say that it becomes a much less appealing prospect if you don't care about first-person. The graphics are definitely improved, and the new music is nice, but it's really just a refined version of the existing game. Read more

Agree! I love games that do hybrid-perspective with cover—I remember the first time I played Rainbow Six: Vegas, thinking, "Well, this is a very good idea, isn't it?" Read more

Yeah, it'd definitely be good for them to keep it optional. That's one nice thing here - if you want to play the game like normal, you still can. Or, if you're playing a mission that requires you to have a better outside view of your vehicle (helicopter stuff, the tow-truck, etc.) you can just pop it out to third Read more

Hey - sorry my gifs aren't as good as you'd like! I'm limited by two things: The need to keep them ~4MB, since I don't want to overload people's browsers or the site, and my own still-in-progress giffing skills. I've gotten better at making gifs than I was a year ago, but I still have plenty to learn—I'm a writer, not Read more

They're pretty good! Chaotic, but fun. And totally wiping out is even more fun... Read more

I've played a bunch of the game on both PS4 and PC, and really, the biggest difference between consoles and PC isn't the way that game looks, it's the frame rate. The PC version runs at 60fps (it's flexible, too, and with some tweaking runs well even on my older PC), and that makes a pretty big difference during Read more

I've seen a couple of people saying that 970s run the game well, which is interesting. What do you mean when you say perfectly? Solid 60fps? Above 30 but relatively stable? Read more

Has anyone out there had any luck getting it to run well on PC? My experience has been a mess, but I'm curious how it's been for anyone else who picked it up. Read more

Ah, you're right. That's my mistake. I've corrected the post, thanks for pointing it out. Sorry about that! Read more

Hmm. I bet someone could power through it in 30-40 or so. But really, I'd strongly recommend taking your time and doing all the most interesting side stuff, which with some focus would probs take you like 40-50. Read more

It's nowhere near as tactical as Divinity: OS—there's nothing like the simulated environmental and elemental stuff from that game—but it's more tactical than DA2 was. DA:I falls somewhere between DA2 and Origins, well behind a sim like Divinity, at least in terms of tactical gameplay. Read more