Kevin Wong's saved articles

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

I’ve had multiple discussions about this on film Twitter, but I firmly believe that Brad Pitt is first and foremost a weirdo character actor who just happens to be one of the most unbelievably attractive human beings on the planet. If he wasn’t so ridiculously good looking he’d still have a healthy acting career. It’d Read more

The best Peking Duck I’ve had was also the most bizarre evening. I was in Beijing with my Dad (who was working in the region at the time), and we’d been hanging out that day with a friend of his. She basically was like “we should go get Peking Duck at this one place I know, I’ll invite some friends”. Read more

Remember that Hoshino, the 3rd father/grandfather figure, was killed too after eating it. Eating Peking Duck in that game is like writing your own name into the Death Note. I bet Ichiban’s final game appearance will be him taking the next protag to getting Peking Duck. Read more

It truly is the dish most sacred, eaten mostly at special events. The only times where I’ve been served Peking duck are during weddings at Chinese restaurants. Read more

Peking duck is incredibly delicious. If anything, Yakuza doesn’t talk about it enough. Read more

fast forward two decades, and a vibrating controller is the industry standard. Read more

From my one day so far, I think its a bit more pronounced on the Dualsense. Maybe due to the size difference. It might depend on the game you play, though. Some games it’s much more pronounced, like Astrobot and 1 2 Switch for the extreme haptics. Read more

I get the feeling that this won’t be something that third party developers will invest too much time into. Maybe at first, but because the haptics described seem to change so much depending on minute changes in the game, I wonder if eventually devs will just be like “meh, fuck it" Read more

That’s the major downfall with all of the skill-tree games we’re seeing nowadays. There are awesome powers and great combos, for the last 5 missions. It’s one of the reasons I still prefer the Assassin’s Creed 2 series of games. You always get that one hit kill to start, and then when you get something like a gun or a Read more

I found the five and especially seven strike segments far easier once I started ‘dialing’ the sequences in on the face buttons as if I was using a push button phone. Or large format calculator. Read more

I love this game so much it’s unreal. Been a while since an Open world game grabbed me this much.
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Oh, I thought the game just gave you more time to push the buttons the more you failed? I sucked at those things so bad so bad, so I’d just purposely fail 5-7 times on the last part. It always felt like I’d get the 7-input slice on the first or second try after that. I hope I’m wrong and, like, the skill was within me Read more

I want an article on the glass breaking physics.
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Those stuntmen/women really don’t joke around! I had the chance to work on a mocap set for a month and the day we shot all the stunts was my favorite!

In one scene, one stunman had to take a stunwoman by the neck and slam her on a table. On the first try, we had to cut and reenforce the table because they went so hard Read more

That last fight is so poignant, she has every right to be proud of it. Never I had cried while PLAYING before. Usually tears are for cutscenes. But when I had to press square several times to stab Abby, the first time I simply did not. And the game makes you lose so you have to keep on going. I just wanted to end this Read more

Everyone involved in the animation in this game deserves the highest possible praise. It’s ridiculous how many animations there are, how good the blending is, how many subtle nuances they added.
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