Kevin Wong's saved articles

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

Since you’re in Room 302 ( it says so in the note, and you can go out in the hallway and see for yourself), and apartment numbers typically count up by evens or odds on one side of a hall, I concluded that the combination was either 30-23-00 or 30-23-04. I tried both, and sure enough, one of them worked. Read more

I was proud too when I figured the wedding date one. What I particularly appreciate is that the game doesn’t mind if you go past the correct number. On any real dial lock like that if the correct number is 05 54 25 and you end up going too far when going for 54 then it’s over and you have to start again. The whole Read more

That safe in the garage (with the dumpster in front of the door) damn near killed me. Read more

> as well as bottles of pills, which you use to upgrade your personal abilities Read more

The amusement ride sets are really cool.  How do you like the roller coaster?  The price for it seems pretty steep even for Lego. Read more

Blue Lions is a deconstruction of a traditional hero narrative. Dimitri?? Read more

I can second this.  I figured this out at the start of my playthrough.  Why take the time and energy to recruit all of the characters when you aren't going to understand a lot of their context anyway?  I grabbed one additional character (Sylvain, essentially a no effort recruit as a female) and played through it.  All Read more

As someone who has never played this game before... How different are each of the three main story routes in this game? Like, does which house you choose result in major changes to the story itself, or just which characters you encounter? Read more

It really really is. You need to be careful against Battalions because his charms sucks and against Bow Knights (his worst enemy by far) but otherwise it’s monstrous. Read more

This is sort of tangential, but in every FE game I choose one character that gets all the stat upgrade items, who I then train into a total beefcake to tank when I really need it. In Three Houses, it was Petra because she is best
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This can be super fun in any game, really. But it’s probably especially satisfying in a game that’s so difficult.

I used to keep save files in Final Fantasy 6 and 7 where I could just fuck around and murder things. Multiple Knights of the Rounds, all the best relics, etc. Blasting through stuff in any Diablo? Yes Read more

Exactly the same for me even though I absolutely love this game. In my second and third playthrough I recruited no students (with one exception because you can recruit them in the second part even if you didn’t on the first part and the story of that character is closely related to the story of your house leader) but Read more

For my recruiting, since my last few playthroughs have all been Crimson Flower (it’s my favourite AND the shortest route in one convenient package!), I did one “recruit everybody” run, but now I just focus on the people I think would make sense from a story perspective to join the Empire (at least for the students; I Read more

I always recruit every character I can, but I focus most on leveling the ones that were actually part of the house and mostly use them in the story missions. Read more

This is interesting. I did the Black Eagles Edelgard route back at launch and am now doing the church route from a save (rather than NG+). I had started a Golden Deer run, but was pretty burned out after the 100+ hours my first playthrough took (I guess I play slow?) and barely even got to the monastery before Read more

Funny you say that cuz in the middle of my second playthrough it dawned on me that this would probably be a different experience if I only played with the core group of students instead of recruiting everybody. Read more

I played through the 3 house paths and it took me 320 hours.  I was so sick of the game by that time I didn’t even want to do the church route.   Read more

I meant to play all three house routes back to back and was severely burned out with the game by the middle of my second. I cannot imagine doing all three (not counting the Church route) back to back. Read more

Yes! Replaying through XCom 2 WOTC on easy with mods. There is delight in the certainty of victory. Will I play this way forever? Of course not. But 100% sword crits with my ranger slicing through hordes of unsuspecting alien overlords? That is something I totally need right now. Read more