Kevin Wong's discussions

Kevin Wong
Kevin is an English teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. You can email him at, and follow him on Twitter.

If you get one of your guys’ gear to 130, and try to then get that gear to 140, you’ll see what I mean. They start asking that you give them 14 modules at a time. Read more

That only goes so far. You can’t break down your any of your other resources into the grey material, which is the only currency you can use to purchase modules. Read more

Yeah, maybe this might be worth revisiting then. Read more

I tried getting into Assassin’s Creed, and I got out of there fairly quickly. The massive map with eleventy billion glowing flashing mission icons gave me anxiety. Read more

I feel similarly. I really like it, but I’m worried the launch and initial confusing messaging (is it a multiplayer? Is it single player? Is there loot?) may have already sunken it. Read more

That, and once you get to a certain point, the game artificially slows you down by drip-feeding you upgrade modules. You need 14 of them or so to upgrade one level near the end. So you do the daily missions to get two DNA keys, and then you do a vault mission to use those keys to open the blue chests. That’s 20 Read more

Absolutely! They recently announced that they’re going to be allowing you to play the campaign again, with your fully powered characters, so that’s great. Those were the most unique, distinctive missions in the game, and it’ll be great to play them again with what I have now, as long as they scale the enemies to match Read more

Oh, you don’t know the half of it. I must have broken every pane of glass in Seattle. The feedback and sound on that is so satisfying. Read more

Same. I love this sort of insight. Especially because this sort of work is unsung by design. If the audience thinks the actual A-list actress threw herself out the window or fell down the stairs, then mission accomplished. Read more

I can’t confirm or deny that this is a spoiler (because to do so would be a spoiler, in and of itself). But I can say that in my interview, this actress discussed “dying” as a main character, as an NPC, as an enemy, etc. She played multiple roles, and died hundreds of times, in every possible scenario. We’re changing Read more

It is absolutely worth it. I love it, and my son loves it too. It’s a great conversation piece, and it’s great to just lay back and look at it. Read more

The roller coaster is mesmerizing and addicting to watch. It’s like a perpetual motion machine. It is the only set I’ve created which had two separate instruction booklets. You then join the two halves together and lay down the track. Read more

I have a LEGO amusement park that I’m building with my son. Just the rides though for now. My intent, once I have more room, is to do pathways and scenery too. I motorized the UFO ride, which I’m particularly proud of:

For me ,this was Raphael or Dedue. I gave them a pair of Killer Knuckles, upped their Speed and Dexterity, and let them go to town. Read more

True. I guess what I should have said is that the way the narrative is framed? It’s easier, in isolation, to see the Blue Lions as the “good guys.” Defeat the “evil” Empire. End the war. But you never have to address those who slither in the dark. Assuming you’re doing a single playthrough, you don’t even know about Read more

A Hanneman War Master sounds awesome. For real. Read more

Haha, I had more shallow reasons. My Petra was so speedy on my first playthrough? That I knew that I wouldn’t want to face off against her on a second playthrough. I married Dorothea on my first run? So it would have felt weird to kill her on the second playthrough. Read more

The trick is to focus almost exclusively on each respective house’s characters. If you start recruiting all your characters from your first play through, it gets redundant quickly. Recruit to a minimum. Dorothea and Petra are my two standbys on every playthrough. But otherwise, hone in on what’s in front of you. Read more