Website I wish hadn’t been murdered: Deadspin Read more
Fans are on alert because last time Nintendo did this, we have major fallout about marie callie break up caused by the actual players.
Speaking of, I feel cheated that Palpatine was resurrected by opening crawl and we never found out exactly how he survived. That was some bullshit. Read more
I find watching all the discussion and fighting about Star Wars films to be infinitely more entertaining than the films themselves. Read more
The film over-corrected in reaction to the franchise’s worst fans and was a finale that had to retcon and undercut so many things about the saga to make itself work. Read more
I think the Gamer(s) of the Year this year should go to the writers and staff of Kotaku and Stephen Totilio i specifically. There have been so many amazing pieces this year. Dives into DnD, exposing toxic workplaces, retrospectives on why launches went wrong, and so many other pieces that I can’t recall while trying… Read more
This is a great list, and feels different than what a lot of “gamers of the year” lists tend to look like... Read more
I mean, Kickstarter’s history is a cautionary tale of over-promising and under-delivering, if anything this is a celebration of developers who not only delivered on promises but gave a quality product that was beloved by the community. I’m sure they worked a fair bit more than they initially envisioned but I doubt… Read more
Really great article! This is something I’ve been wondering about for a good while. I bought the first game before any of the extra content had been released, and I was curious how they were able to keep putting out free content that was of such high quality. It didn’t occur to me that being on the Switch would have… Read more
This article reads as a celebration of a group of developers who worked hard to produce something for their Kickstarter backers and fans, but to me, it seems like it should be a cautionary tale. Don’t promise stuff to your backers if you don’t have a plan in place already. Seems like they just promised stuff before… Read more
I came to kotaku after searching Google for recent articles by the deadspin staff at different sites (hey found a recent burneko post!!) to get a little of my deadspin snark fix, so thanks for that last sentence! Read more