Because, as is explained not just in the podcast but in the transcript, Geoff would rather have an audience of millions than an audience of dozens. Read more
Because, as is explained not just in the podcast but in the transcript, Geoff would rather have an audience of millions than an audience of dozens. Read more
As it turns out, Bungie might have some issues communicating! Read more
(The stream was canceled.) Read more
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To some extent, yes, but this quote by BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk has always stuck with me: Read more
That’s part of it, sure, but it sounds like this was more of a long-simmering cultural clash. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and maybe one day I (or someone else) will tell the story of what happened to Popcap after EA bought it, but I’ve heard bits and pieces and it sounds like there was all sorts of… Read more
Can’t say I agree with that at all. Not only can video games be as resonant and impactful as any other medium (film, TV, books), they fuel an industry that generated $30 billion in the United States ALONE last year. They are important. Read more
I actually think “Feinberg caliber” was a compliment, but yeah, I do think this is important. If someone has spent two years claiming to work at EA and speaking for them on Twitter (with over 100k tweets), to the point where he even gets picked up by mainstream news sites, and if it turns out he might not actually… Read more
Sonic bedsheets, man, now that’s a throwback. Read more
Yes, the floodgate has opened and the stories are coming out. We haven’t heard as many of them in the video game industry yet, but they’re coming. Kotaku is actively working on several investigations right now that will hopefully lead to more harassment getting exposed. (And of course, if anyone reading this has any… Read more
Related: Read more
Well, the Xbox doesn’t get a lot of Japanese games because Japanese developers are primarily making games for their own audience. You’ll see the bigger third-party publishers (Capcom, Square Enix, Namco) release multi-platform games on both PlayStation and Xbox because it broadens their audience in the west, but… Read more
I don’t believe either Doom or Wolfenstein 2 were massive hits, and my overall point here is that the bean-counters at Zenimax cannot be thrilled with this overall strategy. Obviously Todd Howard and crew will keep doing what they’re doing, but I would be shocked if we didn’t see a change in overall strategy for… Read more
Bethesda is a private company and does not disclose sales figures, but UK physical data + Steam Spy + NPD hint at disappointing numbers for Prey, Dishonored 2, and The Evil Within 2. Doom and Wolfenstein 2 have gotten good buzz and appear to have fared better (and obviously Fallout 4 was big), but none of Bethesda’s… Read more
And by most accounts they’ve all tanked. Read more
The future is World of Warcraft. Read more
Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years. Read more
Weird! Did he say something unique when you tried to fight him? Read more
Well, the point I’m making is that when Sony first announced many of these games, the company probably expected them to be out in a year, not two years. Games just always take longer than anyone thinks they will. For example, Sucker Punch’s samurai game has a “2018" release date right now but there’s a 99% chance that… Read more